Hope sat up more in her seat.

"What do you mean?" Hope asked

"Tell me what's wrong Liv." Josie says

Both of the concerned parents were worried.

"I scared.. and  magic is making my tummy hurts." Liv groaned

"We will have to call you back Hope.. I have to see what's going with our daughter."josie says

"NO! Don't you dare hang up! I need to know what's going on!." Hope yelled

"Help mommy! It hurts!" That was the last thing Hope heard before the line disconnected

"We have to turn back around aunt freya.." Hope says

"We can't hope.." Freya says


"Don't get pissed at me hope! You will just have to wait and let Josie handle this one.. I know you want to handle this but it's just some things that are out of reach.." Freya assured

"I can't just sit here knowing what's going on with my daughter aunt freya."

"Try to get that off your mind." Freya suggested

"I can't—I could never get Liv off my mind." Hope scoffed

"I wasnt saying it like that Hope.. of course I know you can't... I have a child of my own you know hope?"

"I'm sorry.. I'm sorry.. I'm just stressed out and I need some sleep and I need my princess to be okay" Hope says

"I know.. but you being pissed isn't going to help seeing as your daughter could feel your emotions right now" Freya finally says

"WHAT?" Hope yelled waking up nik.

"Great.. you woke him up." Freya rolled her eyes

"What were you talking about aunt freya?" Hope asked

"I was talking about the whole thing when you told me about the gold light that transferred from Liv to you... it was a family bond...as I told you before..I recently learned that she can feels almost everything you feel... and you can't feel what she's feeling unless you are near her.. farther away makes your power weaker." Freya ranted

"And what about what happened when I kept having those dreams and I had a special connection with her?" Hope asked

"That was before the whole thing with the gold light."


"Mommy it hurts..." Liv cried out

"What's going on?" Lizzie asked as she vamped up stairs.

"It's Liv.. she's losing control of her magic." Josie explained

"We can siphon from her.." Lizzie says

"Yes.. good idea." Josie says before her and Lizzie walked over to liv

They started to siphon from her but it was way too much power in liv.. Josie couldn't do it.

"I'm such a terrible mom... it's my fault." Josie has tears falling out of her eyes

"It's not your fault Josie... I have a feeling I know what's going on...I need you to make her cool down." Lizzie says

"How the fuck am I suppose to do that?" Josie asked

"Make her cool down." Lizzie nodded her head

"RIGHT!" Josie yelled

Josie started to whisper a few words and the room got a little colder..

"How do you feel Liv?" Lizzie asked

"I feel weally good.." Liv smiled

"Good... now we need to find out how we are going to get on with the week with her like this." Lizzie says

"What do you mean the week?" Josie asked

"Hope isn't coming can until a week or so and she won't be better until she's around hope" Lizzie says

"What the hell are you talking about... you know something... tell me!" Josie says

Lizzie sighed

"Hope is more closer to Liv than you think... she's a modern mini version of Hope now and whatever hope feels... Liv feels 10x worse... it's because hopes wolf didn't like the fact that you kept Liv from her the whole time.. Hopes wolf was the reason Hope even knew to come down here." Lizzie admitted

"And how do you know this?" Josie asked

Lizzie sighed

And sadly breathed. "I helped create the spell without even knowing I did"

Josie tilted her head and her eye widen off of the confusion.

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