Chapter 7

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~ JENN ~

Before he could answer the school bell rings for the students to get to class, as I get up walking through the empty hallway I feel Axel following me

"What do you want Axel?" I ask turning to him leaning against a locker

"You" he smirks

"W-what?" I stutter, "I'm kidding, Miller. Relax" he rests his hand next to my head on the locker as I look at the shiny silver ring around his finger back at his eyes

"God you're so different from your brother" he says looking at my body while putting his other hand on my waist making my body shiver

He smirks at my reaction, but before I could say anything else my brother's grip pushes Axel away "What the fuck do you think you're doing?" he growls "Zane!" I speak

"Jeez Miller, what's wrong with you?" Axel says fixing his shirt "I'm going to fucking kill this guy Jennifer" he says grabbing his shirt "Don't touch my sister" his deep green eyes focusing on me slapping his hand away

"Please go" I say "What?" Zane raises an eyebrow "Just go" I say "I'm not leaving him with you" he points at Axel

"Both go! Just shut the fuck up!" I snap as they leave, finally.

God I have enough of them, constantly drama! And I don't even know why!? "Hey Jenn" Blake says walking up to me "Hey" I mumble "What's wrong?" he asks

"Axel and Zane"

"What did they do?" he groans "Fighting, what else?" I roll my eyes "I'll be right back" he kisses my forehead making me smile

I grab my books noticing it's almost time for class, I sit down in the back of the class hoping Axel won't be coming

I sigh in relieve as I see Blake sitting next to me "So what did you do?" I ask "They're so fucking stubborn" he says

"Julie was at our house" I suddenly let out

"Wait what?" he turns to me "Yeah, since last night" as he raise his eyebrow "Don't tell me they-" he said as I cut him off by nodding

"I knew it, I fucking knew it!" he says as Axel walks in not bothering to look at me

"What did you say to him?" I ask keeping my eyes on him "Nothing important" he shrugs

Sometimes I hate Blake too


"Alright class, we're doing a group project today you're having 2 weeks for" Mrs. Jackson starts as I see everyone talk to each other planning to work with each other

"Don't get too excited, I'm making the duo's of two" she continues

I don't really care with who I am, I couldn't care less—

"Jennifer Miller with Axel Becks" Mrs. Jackson calls

Forget what I said, I do care.

"Please tell me I heard that wrong" I whisper to Blake "You didn't" he says,

I love my life, note sarcasm.

Okay well working with Axel, so what? It's not like my brother hates him and we can't do it at my place


After class I quickly got to my locker since it was lunch time I looked for Danielle as I bump into Blake "Hey" I say "Quick question, is my hair okay?" he says looking in the reflection of the lockers at himself "Um, I guess? Why?" I ask

The only reason Blake would care about his looks is when there's a girl,

Oh my god.

"There's a girl!" I say out loud "What? No, shut up" he says

"Act cool" he says as there walks by a girl with brunette long curls and deep brown eyes smiling at Blake "I knew it!" I say

"Jenn if you don't shut up I'm going to fucking kill you" he mumbles still looking at her

"Oh my gosh what's her name? Is she new? What's her favourite color?" he raises an eyebrow at me, "Her name is Layla" he smiles showing off his dimples "Oh my days! Blake that's so cute!" I say hitting his chest like a little baby

"I don't even know her, I only got math with her" he says

"Then get to know her!" I say pulling him by his wrist tapping on the back of Layla's shoulder

"Um hi, my friend here thinks that you have really beautiful hair, right Blake?" I turn to him with a smirk "Yeah" he hums

Her cheeks turn lightly pink smiling "Thank you, I think you're eyes are really pretty" her British accent speaks

"Alright I have to go now, I'll see you later Blake" I smirk at him waving at the girl before turning around

I walk to the cafeteria as someone grabs my wrist pinning me against a wall as I look into Axel's dark green eyes filled with lust

"Play along" he whispers as his soft lips press against my neck making me gasp

What the fuck is happening?

"Axel what are you doing? E-everyone is watching" I whisper "Let them watch" he whispers in my ear kissing behind it

Fuck he's so good at this..

His hand sliding to my ass as I keep myself from gasping again "Axel why are you doing this.." I ask between heavy breathes "Julie is watching" he says

"Julie? Julie Cooper?" As in the Julie Zane slept with!?

"You know her?" he asks confused "Yeah, kind of.." I mumble "But how do you know her?" I ask "We used to have a one night stand, but she wanted more" his deep voice says still kissing my neck as he lifts up looking at my lips before licking his

"I'm not going to kiss with you" I say "Oh come on, I know you want it" he smirks "I don't want to be used for making someone jealous, Axel" I say pushing him away "You owe me, love" knowing I melt at the nickname he starts kissing my neck again..

I let out a soft moan as he keeps on going I feel something hard between my thighs

I look down smirking at him "You should take care of that" I say pointing at his jeans

He rolls his eyes leaning to my ear again "Thanks for the help, love" he whispers winking before leaving to a table with his friends

God damn, I hate him.

But I loved it..

"Girl!" Danielle says hitting my shoulder "Ow!" I say rubbing it as I notice Julie sitting with them I almost choke

"You remember Julie, right?" Maggie asks

"Mhm" I say looking if there ain't any paparazzi "So, you and Axel?" she asks "What? No, hell no! We are not together" I say making it clear "Well it looked like it!" Danielle says "I- um.." I stutter

"It's a long story" I shrug

Axel's pov next chapter!

I want to thank y'all for the views<3

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