Chapter 1: The ad

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Song of the chapter: This Is the Day by The The

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Marinette's laying on her bed, lazily scrolling on her phone. She most likely only processes half of the things that her screen shows, but it's somehow relaxing for her.

What does catch her attention, however, is an ad on her Instagram feed.

She blinks a few times, not completely sure she has read the slogan right. When her eyesight adjusts, however, and her vision becomes more clear, Marinette knows that she made no mistake reading the words.

It clearly says, learn everything you need to know about sex. Experience it, practice it, learn it.

Her eyes are practically falling out of her eye sockets and she's unable to contain her surprise, her mouth fully agape.

She can't control her hand from moving towards her phone screen and a few seconds later, the website of the ad has loaded and a list of men and women is shown to her.

The list contains firstly the name of the man or woman, secondly the age of the person, and lastly a picture.

Marinette mentally slaps herself for not finding this earlier. She has been pining for Luca for ages now and she could have found the solution to her problem so much sooner.

Nevertheless, she is glad that she has found it now. The thing is, Luca's about to leave high school and that means Marinette won't see her crush that often anymore because she mostly sees him at school.

Marinette's hope is that she can learn everything she needs to know sexually soon enough before Luca will be gone forever.

Sure, she knows that technically she could still visit him once in a while when he has left college, but she also knows she'll never have the balls to do such a thing.

She focuses her attention on her phone again, and scrolls through the list of men.

Marinette is only 16 years old and therefore doesn't want a man that's too old. A lot of men on the website are sadly around 30 years old though, so she lets out a sigh and continues searching for a perfect candidate.

Finally, she sees a guy that's 18 years old. That seems reasonable enough, so she clicks on the profile, but finds out that the man is in fact gay, so it's not an option for her.

She keeps scrolling through the list moments later and she starts to lose hope when she can see that she has almost seen all the candidates.

She softly prays that home how a nice-looking fellow will pop up on her screen who isn't too old for her and actually does like girls.

Sure, Marinette isn't homophobic. Two of her best friends, Juleka and Rose, are in fact together and she couldn't be happier for the two of them. She just knows that she prefers a straight man at the moment, so she knows that the man of 18 from before isn't an alternative.

She then notices that there are only 10 men left on the website and she scrolls slower this time, hoping that somehow this way maybe miraculously a suitable man will appear.

William, 30 years old. Nope.

David, 28 years old. Another no.

Plagg, 65 million years old. A definite no. How is that even possible? Is that some sort of joke?

The first thing she then sees, however, is a blonde with emerald green eyes. With simply a glance she already knows that the guy can't be too old and when she decides to read the description of the man, he indeed is only 17 years old.

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