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No one pov :  Today here will be some new students aizwa says .. I bet they are hot mina says.. I think they are rich as hell UrArAkHa says.. I think they are going to be hot females minta and kamanari says drooling about it... Nah i hope it's some manly dude so I can train with along with bakugo.. Kirishima says.. KEEP IT DOWN Aizawa yells making everyone be quite....

Newstudents  enters the room

?? : hey am ace and am aiden... Says the new students.. . . Oh nice to see you am tenya lida the class President... Oh hey ace said... Ok you all introduce yourself later on now both of you go and sit behind that blonde hair with red eyes aizawa says... Ok aiden says as they walked towards the place where they where told to sit... Damn nice ass blonde aiden wispers to bakugo who was simply sitting on his place... HEY WTF DID YOU SAID?  Bakugo yells at  aiden... BAKUGO DI TENSION FOR SCREAMING FOR NO REASON. Aizawa screams at bakugo.. BUT HE-before bakugo could finish. .. Heah tell us what aiden said to you that you got soo angry shorty? H-he said that-th-that bakugo kept stuttering his words with a red embraced face.. While adien and ace where smirking..  At bakugo.. I don't care about your story and go to detention aizwa says one more time.. FINE I HATE YOU DAMN EXTRAS bakugo screams at ace and aiden as he stroms of the room... Bakugo needs to control his angers ojiro says... Um... We are sorry ace said  oh no dude why are you sorry? And am denki kamanari by the way said a yellow🟡 blonde with black thunder⚡ on his hair... Well we kinda said something perverted aiden said.. Well i said that he got nice ass.. And he got angry sorry aiden said making everyone shocked.. Then di tension for you both aizawa said angrily.. Yes sir  ace and aiden said looking down  walking out of the room..  Damn I  can't believe  he told bakugo that soji said with a wisper.. What he told was true through tokoyami said from the back...

To be continued

my body is not a object जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें