𝖢𝗁𝖺𝗉𝗍𝖾𝗋 23

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"Oh hyung!!" "Hmmm?" "Can you like...sit up for a bit?" "Sure" Sunoo sits up, letting Riki to stands up. He then goes to get his laptop. "I have something to show you. My neighbors accidentally filmed this" He opens his laptop and shows Sunoo the video that he'd showed you before. It shows Seo-Hee standing at a secret place filming the kissing incident!! So she was the person who filmed it!!

Sunoo is furious. "Aishhhh I knew it she did this??!!" He snaps his knuckles furiously, "I gotta 'talk' to her about this" He then stands up and ready to come to Seo-Hee and punch her. But Riki stops him. "Hyungie don't. I mean...she's your manager, if you do that, you'll make an enemy with her!"

"She done that, if it's not enemy then what is it??" "Stop hyung, Lea and I are furious too but hey...let bygones be bygones. Doing that doesn't solve anything either" Sunoo is convinced by Riki's words and so he sits down.

"I'll have to talk to her about this. If I don't then we can't work together anymore." Riki looks at him suspiciously in fear that he might hurt
Seo-Hee. Sunoo seems to know what the younger is thinking, "don't worry, it'll be a normal talk, I won't hurt her. Ok?" Then, he kisses the younger's forehead, making him blushes. "Okieee"

"Oh by the way, can I borrow your laptop? I'll give it back tomorrow afternoon" "Why do you need it, hyung?" "Cuz the video is on your laptop and I need to show her that video, it's like evidence of her sins y'know" "Suree" Riki says with a cute smile on his face as he's handing the laptop to Sunoo. gwiyeoun!!

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