"What?" She asked the woman that was washing her hair.

"The way he was staring at you during dinner and then the smile he quickly hid at the training grounds. Over the past five years that I've worked here I've seen countless women trying to get his attention. But he ignored every one of their advances."

"He's probably just trying to figure out a way to yell at me. Besides, he has to have feelings for the other women or else they wouldn't be here."

"It's true he may have feelings for them. But his feelings for you are stronger. According to one of the nurses who watched over him while he was healing, the Prince said your name a few times while he was sleeping. He didn't mention any of the other women's names. Just yours."

"Still doesn't mean anything."

"He stood and watched you fight In-Su."

"He what?" Water splashed out and soaked Si-Woo when Yeona turned in shock.

"I looked up and saw him and his men. He had a smile on his face but quickly hid it when he realized that I could see him." The maiden replied as she tried to dry off her clothes.

"Why didn't you say anything, Si-Woo?" Yeona asked, grabbing her towel.

"One of his guards placed a finger on his lips telling me to keep quiet, so I did. He didn't move until you had In-Su pinned."

"Go and get yourself dried off and out of those wet clothes." Yeona sighed. "I'll get myself dressed."

"Yes Miss." Si-Woo smiled and gave her a bow before heading out of the bathing area.

Once she heard the door close, Yeona quickly put on her night clothes before placing her hair in a braid. The excitement from the day was finally catching up and her body was starting to get tired.

"That was fast," Yeona said at the sound of the door opening. "I thought it would take...Your Highness?" Yeona tightened her robe when her eyes landed on Namjoon's back. "I'm sorry. I thought you were Si-Woo."

"I asked her to give us a moment." He answered, still facing the window.

"Oh. Is there something I can help you with, your Highness?" Yeona arched an eyebrow when saw Namjoon's back tense up.

Does he not like it when I call him that? She wondered.

"You could have been killed."

"I promise you that both In-Su and I were being extremely careful."

"I'm not talking about tonight." Namjoon sighed.

"Then I'm not sure what you're talking about your Highness." Yeona's lips twitched as she fought to hide her amusement.

"I'm talking about the night you helped rescue us."

"I was perfectly fine, your Highness." Yeona rolled her eyes.

"It wasn't safe and you knew that. Those men could have killed you." Namjoon said with a hint of anger.

"I know how to fight your Highness. I wasn't alone, I had BaekJee and the rest of my team with me."

"You shouldn't have put yourself in danger."

"What was I supposed to do, your Highness?" She said sarcastically "My friend came to me wounded and needed my help. Was I supposed to tell him no?"

"You could have let the men do it."

"The men being held captive were special to me, too. And what about the women? I couldn't just sit there. I was supposed to be in there, as well."

Namjoon finally turned to face her.

"I didn't intend for any of this to happen." His eyes softened.

"You should have told me the night that we were being chased, but you chose to keep it from me. Everyone kept it from me. I could have been ready to protect myself if you would have just trusted me enough."

"Yeona, I couldn't tell you. It is against the law." Namjoon slowly moved closer to her.

"I know."

"You know? How do you know?" Namjoon stopped in his tracks.

"The Queen told me."

"When did you speak to my Mother?"

"We had a nice long talk when she walked me to my room."

"What else did she tell you?"

"That's between the Queen and I," Yeona said smugly.

"Anything I should be concerned about?"

"Not unless you feel like keeping things from me again."

"Again? Does that mean you would stay if I asked you to?"

"I haven't decided."

"But you thought about it." Namjoon smiled when Yeona's cheeks turned pink.

"You should leave. It's not proper for us to be alone in a room together. Especially at this time of night."

"You didn't have a problem with us being alone at your house."

"We're not in my house Namjoon. We are in the castle and you are the prince who is being watched at all times."

"I was being watched in Hwen too." Namjoon chuckled.

"Just go."

"You're so beautiful when you get flustered."

"Get out of my room." Yeona snapped.

The room filled with Namjoon's laughter. "Good night, Yeona." He said with a bow.

She waited until he was almost out the door then she smiled and said "Good night, your Highness."

Her Prince / BTS Namjoon x Original CharacterOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant