She can see them too

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Okay another message, I know that there is a theory that auditor,Phobos,and Deimos are related so I am putting it into this story. If you dislike it or didn't know look it up. Anyway enjoy this chapter

Somewhere in Nevada
ryeyumi POV
October 15 20XX
:Rye can see it too:

"So, your the guy that almost destroyed Nevada? Wow. I have heard about you." I said. He wasn't amused by my statement. "I mean like, Hank did try-" I started but he cut me off. "Don't say that...freaks name." I was offended by his statement about my friend. I mean, he isn't a freak. He is just a guy that...well, I don't know but he is a good guy! "Hank isn't a freak! He is a good man." I defend. "Have you even seen his actual face?" He asked. To be honest, no. I haven't heard him say a thing. Still don't know why. I shakes my head no. He chuckled a little bit and then went all "serious". "You poor, poor soul. You should ask him." Well, Hank was coming over later today so I could ask him. "Well Mr Auditor, what if Hank saw you? Like here. Right now." I asked. "He would try everything in his power to kill me, even though I can't die." I replied with a little laugh. I think that Hank would be able to kill him. I mean even though the Auditor looks a little bit taller than Hank, he should be able to kill him. "Oh okay good cause he is coming over to help me finish Halloween decorations." I told him. He started to freak out. "What?! Hank, here?! Right now?!" Knock knock the door went. I looked at the door. "That must be him." I looked back at the black creature but he was gone. The blackness in the wall was gone too. I thought nothing of it and went to the door. I opened it and just as expected, it was Hank. He waved at me. "Hello to you too Hank, ready to get started?"

–-–-–-–-–-–-–-–-– time skip—
1 hour later–-–-–-–-–-–-–-–-–

We had finished the front yard and some of the lights. I was doing finishing touches on the house before I heard something. " Deimos, stop moving. Your only make this worse." That the h•ll? What was that? "Hello? Hank was that you?" If it was him, geez his voice is deep. I looked around to see if Hank was there, but he wasn't. Must be behind the house. I turned to look back to continue but I slipped and fell of the ladder. I hit my head and then everything went black.

"Rye." "Rye." "Ryeyumi!" I gasped. I groaned in pain. I felt my head and felt something soft. Maybe a bandage. I was in a completely different area. "W-where am I?" I asked. I got no reply. "Hello?" No response. I got up. Everything around me was black. I saw something or some people in the distance. "H-hey! Hello?!" I yelled. I started to walk toward the people. The walk turned into a run. Once I got near the people, it reviled to be two people. I couldn't see their faces. Just a plain blank face. I reached to touch them to see if they would move. "Don't touch them! They'll bring you back with them!" I heard a voice say. I turned around. "D-Deimos? Is that you?" It was Deimos. She can see them too. "What was that?!" I asked.

"That was pitch."

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