reaction: omi wakes the dreamies

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mark lee
+ really chill about it
+ would grumble and stir a bit but wakes up quite easily
+ "good morning, omi..."
+ would mumble a morning greeting to her
+ though, if he's extra tired, omi might have to give harsher shakes
+ but still, would wake up without argument
+ would request for his glasses

huang renjun
+ another member who'll wake up easy
+ in fact, sometimes he'll already be awake before she comes
+ would only require a few taps or gentle nudges to wake him
+ would try to cover his face from omi but it's not like they don't already know each other's raw looks
+ "yah, get out. i want to shower first"
+ shoos her out but is not mean with it
+ actually likes her waking him up but won't admit it
+ she also brings him hot lemon water

lee jeno
+ a challenge. definitely a challenge
+ if his triple, blaring alarms aren't enough to pop his eardrums then, who's to say shaking him will be easier?
+ "just 5 more minutes..."
+ unlike with the others who omi chooses to pat and poke, with jeno, she goes straight to shaking
+ if that doesn't work, she adds her voice and if that combination doesn't work, she'll try to lift him
+ which, at 99% of the time, is successful because he'll take the opportunity to pull her in and snuggle thus, causing him to wake

lee donghyuck
+ now this one, a diva
+ she tries to wake him and he grumbles, groans, tosses and turns like a patty on a grill
+ flails his arms and legs around
+ buries himself back under the covers
+ is already awake by then but refuses to leave the bed
+ at this point, omi proceeds to lie her weight on top of him but he'll instantly lock her in and flips, sandwiching her between him and the bed
+ "suffer," he would say
+ he surrenders by her tickling him

na jaemin
+ sweet angel
+ literally doesn't take much effort to wake him
+ though, he is a bit slow and groggy
+ still, he'll wake up and even give her a sleepy yet bright grin of gratitude
+ "thank you for waking me up, omi~"
+ would pat her head
+ ask if she's eaten breakfast
+ would be fully awake after a while of sitting up frozen on his bed while he blinks the sleep off his eyes

zhong chenle
+ doesn't take long to wake either
+ he'll even lift his head to look at omi
+ but then, chooses to ignore her
+ "ah, i dOn't wAnt toO"
+ just a small whine
+ shaking or shouting won't do the trick but after
+ while of persistency, he'll cave
+ would stretch out his arms for her to pull him up
+ doesn't complain or argue much honestly

park jisung
+ sleeps a lot
+ to wake him up is not an easy feat
+ but, she knows a trick: food
+ if waking him up normally doesn't work as well as she hoped, she'll bait him with food
+ it works most of the time
+ "there's food?
+ if however, there is no food, she'll gently push back his long bangs to let light onto his closed eyes and that usually stirs him
+ his resistance towards omi would usually be sleepy grumbles or incoherent mumblings

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