Part 4

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An army of variants. Hundreds of them, all remarkably similar to the man in the chair. Loki glances at Sylvie with a worried look. "This is gonna suck." He says, stabbing a variant that was trying to tackle him. 

"Big-time," Sylvie says, kicking away the corpse of a variant. They continue fighting variants off, barely making a dent in the population of variants. "There's too many. We would die before we could kill all of them." Sylvie says, breathing heavily. She grabs Loki's hand. "We need to enchant one of them. The most powerful one." She says, pointing to the back of the crowd, where a larger version of the variants surges into the citadel.
"That's a suicide mission." He says, stabbing another variant in the chest. Blood spatters his back and he blinks. "We would be killed immediately either by him or the variants on the way."
"What other option do we have? These variants would invade the timeline and cause another multiversal war. We have to stop them."
"Sylvie, there are INFINITE variants of him. We would have to destroy the timeline to get rid of every single variant. Even then, they would just be sent to the void and could get back here easily." Sylvie sighs, grabbing a variant from nearby, wrestling it to the ground, and pushing a blade through their stomach. 
"We either fight these guys for eternity or go on a probable suicide mission. What do you want to do?"
"I would rather die than fight these guys for eternity." Loki says. Sylvie nods and takes a step closer to him. 
"We're going to have to fight our way through to him. He's about 20 feet away. We'll have to fight about 30 variants on the way to him, depending on how thick the crowd is." Loki nods. "Spread out, we'll get there faster." Loki and Sylvie take a few steps away from each other. "GO!" Sylvie yells over the clamor of hundreds of bodies. Loki starts slashing and stabbing his way through the crowd. Sylvie cleanly skewers 4 variants in a row, then runs into a tougher one. She wastes a few minutes on him, losing precious time of her life. She starts to crunch on dead bodies as she continues through the crowd, hacking, slashing, and stabbing. 
"Sylvie, how are you doing?" Loki yells from ahead.
"Not great. I had to fight a big guy. I think I've got about 10 more feet."

"Keep going." Loki encourages. Sylvie continues her way, getting into sight of the leader. He was massive, nearly three times the size of her. Finally, she makes it into the small clearing around him, about 2 feet wide. "You made it." Loki says, squeezing her hand.
"Yeah." Sylvie says, panting. "Give me a second." Sylvie says, putting her hands on her knees and bending over, trying to catch her breath. Loki rubs her back.

 "Take your time." Loki looked around, realizing that the other variants had spread out, giving them a wide berth. It was time for the showdown, the grand finale, the last hoorah. They were going to die. Loki could feel it.

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