My tongue ran across my lips, "Care to explain further?"

The elevator opened to the roof deck.

"Harper deserves to know what was happening behind that lawsuit. It is her company after all."


"I told her that Katie was trying to get back at us."

"You didn't tell her about Randall, did you?"

"Of course not. I would never do that." He said it like it was the most ridiculous thing he had heard in the world. "I told her that Katie was the one who actually copied the photo, that she had some hacker fake the date of the post."

"Okay, what did she say?"

"She asked me if I had any evidence. I told her I don't and she told me I need to get concrete evidence that will be useful."

I nodded.

His chest heaved up and down, "Don't be mad at me."

"What for?"

His eyes closed as if he was scared of what will happen to him, "I took a photo of Clark's letter."

"You what?"

"And I showed it to my lawyer."

My mouth parted in shock, "Axel, I trusted you."

"I know, I know, and I never meant to break that trust, I just wanted to know if we could use the letter as evidence. After all, it is a written admission. But my lawyer told me it was inadmissible."

"Of course, it was. The names were vague."

"I know, but I didn't know that then. I thought we could, somehow, prove that you were Pixel and he was GAAP. But apparently, it wasn't sufficient."

I exhaled through the nose and looked away.

"Look," he turned my body and held my arms. "I'm sorry. I was just looking out for you. I thought it would help. Besides, I personally showed it to my lawyer and I already deleted the photo. I assure you; it wouldn't get out."

I nodded, "Thanks."

He lowered his head, looking directly at me, "Are we good?"

I returned his gaze and saw how sincere he was. It was a different Axel, better than the one I'd met that night at Corrigan's. I nodded slowly and he smiled bringing me into a hug.

*       *       *

The time has come for Thanksgiving week.

Katie and Clark haven't bothered us and I haven't talked to Dean since that grueling night. It was a pretty peaceful interval, I should say, but it seems like Axel and I could never be scot-free of challenges. 

Over the course of two weeks, Hailey has set up five double dates, three lunch dates with me, and six surprise visits at home. 

The first time she came by my apartment, she asked if Axel has ever stayed over for the night, and being my panicked self, I said yes. When I excused myself to the bathroom and she thought I was out of sight, she searched my apartment for Axel's stuff. Good thing I saw her; I can't imagine what would happen if she'll bust us and ruin Josh's proposal. So, I texted Axel the same night and he came in just as Hailey was leaving. He made sure to bring some of his stuff and leave the shirt he wore the night Hailey saw him.

True enough, Hailey visited just the next day. She brought dinner, I apologized for the mess and she thought I didn't see the way her brow raised when she saw Axel's shirt on the couch.

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