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'*•.¸♡ 014 ♡¸.•*'

"What?" Y/N questioned after not believing the words he said. "He never received any letters? But the locker was his!! We checked it ourselves right?" She asked in a panicked state.

"Yes we did but he said that he never saw any letters in the locker."

She ran her fingers through her hair "This is fucked up!"

"Y/N, it will be fine. Tell your friend that he never received the letters and tell her to forget about it."

"Even if I tell her... Things won't get normal. How can she just forget about it?! And if he didn't see any letters then where the fuck did they disappear to?! I don't think he has a black hole in his locker!!"

Mikey's brows shot up at the way Y/N was speaking. Filled with anger and nervousness. It sounded more like her problem rather than her friend's. "Y/N... It was you who put the letters right?" He asked.

"Yes!" She blurted out without realizing it. "No... Um... I mean... Ughh!! Fuck it! Yes, it was me."

Mikey went blank. He recalled the story that Y/N told him which happened to be real and the only thing that revolved around his mind was the fact that Y/N liked him and she wrote the letters for him but ended up in a blunder.

A light tint of pink shade was visible on his cheeks. If it was some other girl he wouldn't have focused much on it but it was Y/N... She isn't special but yet he can't help but focus on her.

Y/N crouched down and sobbed "I hate all of this... I had a very simple plan in mind and things just went south from that point."

Mikey crouched down too and patted her back "Y/N, don't worry. Just forget about it and start new. If he didn't see the letters then nothing will be awkward between you two. Come on! Don't be sad... I don't like it."

𝐋𝐄𝐓𝐓𝐄𝐑𝐒 | 𝐌𝐀𝐓𝐒𝐔𝐍𝐎 𝐂𝐇𝐈𝐅𝐔𝐘𝐔 {✗}Where stories live. Discover now