𝖢𝗁𝖺𝗉𝗍𝖾𝗋 20

322 8 1

The news that Sunoo kissed a boy that night spread like a wildfire on the internet and eventually, his company know about this too.

At ¥uta cafe...
You are preparing the recipe for the new cake you're going to make. Suddenly, Riki stomps in. "Yah!! Lea!!" You turn around, "ne?"

"Look what you've done this time!!!" He shouts, showing you his phone. It shows 'breaking news: Famous singer, Kim Sunoo, is caught kissing a boy!!'. "It's the second time now!!! I told you I don't wanna be in this shit!!"

You're dumbfounded, "what do you mean? I didn't do anything" "Will you stop? Lier Lea?? I thought you regret your actions after that stupid Vlive, but then I'm not aware that during the times when you're on hiatus, you're secretly preparing for the big comeback with this. You secretly filmed Sunoo-hyung and I kissing didn't you? It's on the news now!!!"

"I didn't—" you got cut by the sound of someone stepping in, it's Heeseung. "What's wrong this time?" "This" Riki shows Heeseung the news, "remember when Lea did that stupid Vlive back then and it turned out to be a misunderstanding and she said oh 'I'm regret of my actions, I didn't mean to'. After that, she's on hiatus, which signaled a big comeback now."

You stand up and slam the table hard. "Look, I don't fucking know what gone into you these days but just 2 things. One, I don't know what you're talking about. Two, I wasn't there when this video is filmed, meaning I wasn't at the scene at that time. So shut up!! Stop judging the book by its cover! I made a mistake back then but that doesn't mean I'm ignoring it and make that mistake again!! I'm NOT that type of person!!!"

"You're only good talking back!!"

"You stabbed me in the back Riki! neoneun naui chinguga aniya!!!" Crying hard, you turn and run inside. "Lea wait!" Heeseung calls you but you've already gone. He then turns to Riki, "bro, you misunderstand her!!"

"Why hyung? Isn't it too obvious though??!!"

"What do you mean 'obvious'? When the spy is filming you and Sunoo, Lea was with me!!! She said she's bored so she went to my house and we went to milktea together!!"

——— flashback, yesterday, when the incident happened ———

                         >>Your POV<<
Aigooo Riki is with Sunoo-oppa now...I'm soooooo bored. Hmmmmmm maybe I'll go to Heeseung-oppa's house and ask him if he wants to go to buy milktea with me. I take a shower then get change. I then grab my small bag and walk to Heeseung-oppa's house.
Ding dong!

"Who's that?" He says, walking to the gate. "Oh hi Lea!" "Hi oppa~" I greet. He opens the door for me and leads me to his living room. "What are you up to this visit?" "I'm so bored at home since my parents went out for work for a few weeks and Riki has to talk to Sunoo-oppa so I decide to come here." "Ohhhh how can I help?"

"I wanna ask you if you're free now cuz I wanna go to milktea and hangout..." "Oh sure. I'll go with you. Lemme get change first ok?" "Okiee" A few minutes later, Heeseung-oppa finally finish and walks downstairs.

"Woahhhh that looks sooooo cool!!!" "Thanks Lea. Let's go now" Heeseung-oppa and I then go to the milktea shop near the mall to hangout. We buy our own milktea. "I have an idea. There's a beautiful lake near here. Do you wanna go there?" "Suree oppa. Letchugo!!!"

                      >>Heeseung's POV<<
I take Lea to the lake, she seems to like it a lot. She's sooo cute when she's excited or happy. Now that's my dongsaeng, "Dongsaengie" I call her. "Ne?" "Do you like it here?" "Yeah I love it!! It's so beautiful!! I should take Jungwon-oppa or Riki here one day" "You should"
    ———————end of flashback———————

"Ohhhhhh...I'm wrong this time hyung..." "You should apologize to her. She's clearly hurt. Next time, if you suspect something, you should ask first, and the key is calm down" "Ok hyung. I'll go to her now" "Yeah...oh yeah hyung, did you feed Ivory yet?" "Yea I fed him this morning, when Lea is making the recipe" "Ahhhh alright then, imma go and apologize to her"

Riki walks to the garage place, where Sunoo and him have their first interaction. And, as expected, you're standing there, leaning against the wall while looking out to the garden outside. That mini-garden is Ivory, your pet python. You're gently tap the glass to play with him. Shortly after that, you walk to the shelf next to it and grab the bag of python's snack. "Heeseung-hyung fed Ivory this morning already" says a voice behind you, making you startled a bit. You turn and....

"What do you want?" You say angrily while throwing the bag aside. But just when you're about to walk away, Riki grabs your wrist. "Leave me alone!!!" You cry, trying to break free but he's too strong. "Lea, I'm so sorry for shouting at you earlier." "Heeseung-oppa explained everything to you didn't he? Well I'm repeating it now. I was with HIM YESTERDAY AFTER YOU SAID SOMEONE'S AT THE DOOR AND WE STOPPED TEXTING!!"

"I promise I'll not like this anymore" "Okiee I'll forgive you this time and this is the last time I'm forgiving you." "Thanks~~ Oh and! Do you know who filmed the clip?" "No. We'll find out soon"

"Let's research into this. Wanna join me?"

"Of course!!"
Meanwhile, at the company's meeting room...
"Boss-nim, I think dark mix with a bit of elegant concept will suit Sunoo more since it shows the strong and men side of him." Starts Seo-Hee

"But boss-nim, I found out that on social media around the world, 75-85% people like boy love concept. It's a popular trend now and I think that if Sunoo-hyung tries this concept out, it will satisfy the audience more and his popularity will go up" rebutted Jungwon.

"It's so reasonable Jungwon" agrees the boss, making Seo-Hee more furious. "What's so reasonable about it—" she gets cut off by Sunoo. "The public is now civilized, they're not selfish like you think" just when Sunoo finishes his sentence, the timer stops.

"Aight times up. In conclusion, Sunoo will do boy love concept for his comeback. However, he has to pay half of the mv's price as a punishment for this. Although my company allows dating, hiding it and getting away with it is a sin and punishment needs to occur."

"Thank you boss-nim" Sunoo thanks the boss with a big smile on his face. But Seo-Hee is not having any of it. "Boss-nim, can I have 2 more minutes, I promise I'll—" but she gets city off by the boss. "Your 2 minutes equals 1000 won of mine!!!" He scolds, then turn to the others and says. "We'll end the meeting here. Your job now guys, is to be prepare to shoot the mv for Sunoo's comeback" After that, everyone leave the meeting room, leaving Seo-Hee alone in there.

Aishhh this is not it!! I have to find that bastard to solve this!! I'm not letting him steal my Sunoo!!

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