Scratch the Ghost Blob (chapter 1: Molly's Food-loving Ghost)

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The sun was just beginning to rise in the sky on a Friday morning in Brighton. The sun gleamed through the attic window in Molly Mcgee's bedroom. Molly Mcgee turned in her sleep, and the sunlight hit her face. With the sunlight warming up her face, she woke up. Her eyelids blinked and squinted for a few seconds so that her eyes could adjust to the rising sun. The sunlight was warm and cozy, and it threatened to put her back to sleep. But the willful Molly Mcgee wouldn't have it! Resisting the comfortingly warm sheets, she practically tossed them right off of her and sat upright. She leaped out of bed as she gave out a slight yawn. Then, she gave her arms and legs a stretch or two to help her body wake up. With her usual bright smile on her face, she went over to her dresser and picked out her attire for the day: black shorts, a pink and purple zigzag pattern skirt, a white and black t-shirt, and her favorite slightly torn sleeveless jeans jacket. Once she put on all of her clothes, she turned around and gazed at herself in the mirror. "Hmm," Molly hummed to herself inquisitively, "There's something missing here..." Molly said to herself. She gazed up and down at her reflection, she was trying to decipher what was missing from her look, "Oh! Now I remember what it is!" Molly dashed over to her dresser and pulled out a hair scrunchie. She put most of her shiny reddish-brown hair into a ponytail except for her bangs and some strands of hair on the sides. Taking another gaze in the mirror, she struck a Molly Mcgee-ish pose. "Perfect!" she said to her reflection. But Molly didn't have any time left to waste looking in the mirror; and so, she went through her books. She flipped through every book and took out her homework that she had done the previous evening. She made sure that every schoolbook, as well as every last bit of homework went into her backpack. She hauled the backpack over her left shoulder and took a deep breath in and exhaled. She looked over at her calendar, a rainbow sticker was stuck on today's date: Friday. Molly grinned to herself, "Ah," she said to herself, "I love that it's Friday," Molly loved every day of the week, even Monday! "There's just something extra magical about Fridays," Molly thought to herself, "I'm not sure why though. Maybe it's because there's never any homework on Fridays, so I get more time to hang out with my family or my best friends, Scratch and Libby. Or maybe it's the fact that I can sleep in tonight, even though life is much too exciting for that! Eh, guess it doesn't really matter. Friday just happens to feel extra magical. Even though, my life IS pretty magical, already! Although...I guess the proper word for it would be..."  Molly searched her brain hard for the word that she wanted to use in her thoughts, "Oh! What's that word that Scratch uses...Oh, right! Paranormal!"  Molly's best friend, Scratch, was a ghost. And said ghost lived in Molly's room. He mostly resided in the large dollhouse that Molly set up in her room. With that being said, Molly turned to look at her clock which sat on her bedside table. According to the clock, it had only been eight minutes since Molly woke up. "Yes!" she whispered excitedly to herself. The less time she took to get ready for school, the more time she'd have to enjoy breakfast with her family! Just then, Molly happened to sniff the air, 'sniff, sniff,' Molly's eyes widened as her smile grew. She did a double sniff just to be sure that her nose wasn't playing tricks. 'Sniff, sniff, sniff,' She grinned happily, that smell could only mean one thing, "Breakfast is cooking!" Molly thought to herself, "Mom and Dad must be up already!"  Molly set her backpack down on her bed. Just then, Molly heard some soft snores coming from the large dollhouse in her bedroom. Her best friend almost instinctively came to mind as she knelt down so that her head aligned with the second floor of the dollhouse. 


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