loving in ways.

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Ok so this boy named Miles always got yelled at and bad grades. Putting ppl first. Never nothing ab him. He started thing ab only him self so he started thinking AB only him and only him untill college and he become a doctor. Moved out from his parents house. And helped people. He was always cold, mean and way to honest. He was rich and he bought and got what he wanted. Being happy with himself. One day from work he saw his guy got beaten up and he took care of him and he always came bc he was into fights. Hes name was Michael, he was always into fights an came in always in the weekends and sometimes Wednesday. and they gotten really close over the past year. One day Michael came in with a black eye and bruised ribs. The other doctors were annoyed. And not miles. He actually found him comforting and sweet. Miles took him in and got some bandages and starts helping him with the blood. "What happened this time Michael.." "I WAS HELPING A LADY GETTING HER PURSE BC SOME ASSHOLE TOOK IT?"
"oh really?" Michael nodded. He sighed and asked how much will it be. "Oh 1,050." "WAHT?? OH COME ON A DISCOUNT?" "Hell no. Now go I wanna go home.." miles cleans the room. Michael hugged him. "Thank you <3ILL MEET YOU AT UR HOUSE FOR DINNER!!!" he ran out. Miles stood there and not knowing how to feel. But he smiled. He always had something for Michael but never really thought about relationships wise.when his shift was over he drove to his house and went inside. He saw Michael took his favorite food. Burgers and fries. Miles smiled. Michael looked at miles. "That smiled it gorgeous you know, you should really smiled oftentimes." He continues to cook. "You really think so?." Michael nodded and sets the food on the table. "Now eat" miles sits down and eats. He never really knew why he deserves him. He is to good and precious for him but he loves him for the way he is even though he gets in many fights. So when he was done he watched his dish and went to his room. He has a guest room so sometimes Michael will stay in there and sleep or sometimes he'll just stay up and annoy miles. Miles always wanted to tell him how he felt because he's the only one who accepts him for the way he is for getting into fights. They are both to where they're going to ruin the friendship or something will happen. Next day miles parents came over and started talking nonsense out he should never deserve to be a doctor. Michael would always step in and tell him to shut up but usually miles tells him to don't say anything and he'll accept it. Once he was gone miles will always hug him so tightly one of those long hugs. Telling him he doesn't deserve that and he deserves more.Miles never really understood love because he was never shown by it by anyone or anything so he just stood there with his feelings for Michael and never really showed it. For loving somebody you just need them there like you need them by your side like it will help you with everything in life. Knowing the point Michael always try to confess to him but then miles would be so confused but Michael understands so he just waits for him.So then they went out with each other getting closer and closer and they went everywhere with each other Michael will always sometimes bother him at work and miles will always just follow him so he won't get into any fights.They were inseparable and miles's sister will always come and love to see them too because miles's sister knows that her brother has someone. To look after him to make sure he's getting to me fights to make sure he's loved. Michael's sister aka Eva has a Love story too (in another story) but then one day when miles was sleeping he heard someone crying but it was pretty raining and stormy outside with Big thunder and he knows Michael never cries. So he went to go check him and he was under his blanket covering his month bc he hates thunder. Miles looks at him and feeling bad for him. So he just laid down with him making sure he gets some sleep and rest and he feels safe. Michael is shocked that hes with him. Miles said to him"I know I'm at the person to show some comfort and love but I'm always here for you whenever you need I hate seeing you cry and scared because I know you're never scared even though you get into so much fights. You could have told me you're scared.""I didn't want to because I didn't want to worry you I'm really sorry." Michael said as he wipes his tears. Miles Hugs him and closes his eyes. "Just get some sleep. don't worry ab nothing else. I here for you Michael." Miles hugs him close and lays his head on his chest listening to every beat of his heart. He feel asleep right away. Miles looks at him and playing with his hair. So falls asleep as well until the next day.(in part 2 loveys<3)

the doctor and the fighter&lt;3Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum