10. This Has To Be Alaknanda

Start from the beginning

"Yes, Disney Princess, your land of imagination is so cute but I rather like my reality." I retorted. 

"Everyone. There is a fire set off in the palace!!!!" The screams and shouts began. Everyone in the room scattered away as birds scatter away when a predator arrives in the place.

Before out play had a chance to start, it seemed to be torn apart.

"Someone set off a fire in the palace. It has almost taken up the main hall." The servants started telling.

I looked at Anna. He and Kama looked at each other.

"Alakshmi." They both said at the same time.

"Alakshmi?" I asked confused.

"We can sense her chaos taking over," Kama explained. "Alakshmi's chaos and Kali's chaos are different and hence give different energy signals when set off. Alakshmi's chaos sets into misfortune and orderless chaos. Kali's chaos itself has an order."

"But what is Alakshmi doing setting Virat's palace on fire," Angad asked.

We quickly moved out of the hall with the guise of running away to save our lives but on the way, we saw a large group of soldiers.

"Look for her over there. Check every inch of the palace. Seal the gates. I want that girl at any cost." The order was barked.

Who were they looking for?

I saw several people gathered at a specific place.

"What is happening there?" I asked. The corridor on a whole was filled, shock across all of their faces. It was ahead towards the main throne room of the palace. The place where Virat holds his courts. We followed ahead and the scene made me put a hand on my mouth.

The blazing fire had taken over the entire altar. As if the fire was brought right from the bowels of Naraka itself. The lone throne on the altar was burning like a tree burning among the open fields set on fire. Ablaze. The flag and banners burning. The smell of burning was surrounding the entire room.

Virat just stood there watching the place burning. The soldiers were trying to put the fire out. Everyone just watched the scene in shock. Utter shock. 

Anna grabbed my hand to get us moving to find Indra Dev and Adi. Soon enough soldiers came to us.

"You..." He pointed to me. I stopped. They walked to me.

"She is my sister. Is everything alright?" Anna asked.

"Move. We need to check her." They announced.

"Check for what?" I asked.

They brought some kind of yantra and screened me.

"No. She's not that girl. No maya covering her form." The soldier declared.


Oh, shit. They were looking for Adi. Obviously, they were checking for maya. Adi has shown some really good skill with maya so they're roaming around with tantra to dispel illusions.

But of course, the only idiot who would go that crazy and set Virat's throne to fire would be Alaknanda Mantri. The most stubborn woman to have been born among all of the female kind. Of course, Adi set Virat's throne on fire. Of course, she tricked Alakshmi to somehow wreck the entire place.

"We don't have time. I think they're looking for Adi. Obviously, she had done that work of setting Virat's throne on fire." I commented.

"Seriously?? She can do something that crazy?" Kama asked.

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