Ralsei x Male!Reader (Mini-series Part 6)

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You stopped hugging Ralsei and looked at him as the tears clouded your vision, but Ralsei wiped them away while giving you his soft smile making you crack a small smile at him.

Ralsei: There we go, there's my muffin man.

Y/n: Hm, you love calling me that, don't you?

Ralsei: Of course, i'd never forget you. Now, why are you awake this early?

Y/n: Nightmare.

Ralsei: Oh, well it's over now, i'm here. But seeing how you're awake, do you want your breakfast?

Y/n:... Nah, i'm not really hungry after the nightmare, I just want a drink.

Ralsei: Tea?

Y/n: Y-Yeah, that'd be nice.

Ralsei: Ok, well go sit down and i'll bring it over, ok?

Y/n: Yeah...

Ralsei planted a kiss on your lips before going into the kitchen and with you sitting down on the sofa in silence with your eyes still black and robes still black as well. Ralsei came out minutes later with the tea, and when you drank it you felt love and hope flooding your mouth, making your robes turn a tiny bit pink.

Ralsei: Better?

Y/n: Y-Yeah... thanks...

Ralsei: Of course, I hate seeing you like this. Just tell me when you want your breakfast, alright?

Y/n: M-Mhm...

You closed your eyes and led your head back to where it was resting on top of the top of the sofa. You put your head back down a minute later and silently drink the tea with it making no further progress on your mind, making the pink in your robe turn back to black.

Once the tea was done with, you just sat there in silence with your heart now beating heavily, but it soon calmed down when Ralsei sat next to you and pulled you in for a warm cuddle.

Ralsei: There there, i'm here.

Y/n:... Thank you...

Ralsei: Are you going to school?

Y/n:... Dunno... i'd rather not... surely Toriel won't be mad if I miss a day, right?

Ralsei: I don't think so, if she sees you then I think she'll let it slide. What do you want to do?

Y/n: Stay here and cuddle into you, my favourite activity.

Ralsei: Hehe, i'm fine with that.

Y/n: What about breakfast?

Ralsei: We could make it together if you want.

Y/n:... Nahhhhhhhhhh, i'd rather stay here until you'd return.

Ralsei: Oh, ok.

You went silent as you cuddled into Ralsei with him humming his lullaby making your worries slightly fade away. You then fell asleep in Ralsei's warmth and this time, instead of a nightmare, you had the best dream of your life. It was you and Ralsei living happily in the castle together with a child running around.


When you were asleep, Ralsei replaced himself with a cushion for the time being and started to make breakfast. Once the breakfast was done, Luna and Lotus came into the kitchen still half asleep like always.

Ralsei: Good morning you two!

Lotus: Mornin'.

Luna: Good- wait, where's Y/n?

Ralsei: Oh, asleep on the sofa, he had a nightmare.

Luna: About what?

Ralsei: Probably the reset, he knows it's coming. He's in the living room, go see him and how black his robes are.

Deltarune Oneshots (DeltaruneXReader)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon