The first person was here. I quickly answers the door. It was Hendery. He was wearing his black shorts with a denim jacket on. I smiled at him but something caught my eye. His abs. He chuckled. "Like em? I work out often." He flexed them.
"O-Oh right."

I closed the door behind him

¡Ay! Esta imagen no sigue nuestras pautas de contenido. Para continuar la publicación, intente quitarla o subir otra.

I closed the door behind him. "You look beautiful by the way. He winked and put his hand around my waist. I ignored it and showed him to the backyard.
"Sup!" Hendery said once he saw Yuta and Taeil. I left them to talk to eachover and turned up the music. I grabbed a beer and waited for others to show up.
Five minutes later, some other random dudes and girls show up, probably Taeils friends. I watched them all dive into the pool. I looked at the DJ set and rolled your eyes. Where's the DJ at? Whatever.

Soon after, there's another knock and I get it this time. I open the door and It's Jaehyun. "Jaehyun!" You hugged him. "Miss me?"
"Mhm. Why can't I hug you all day?" I whimper.
"I'm not complaining." He laughed. His laugh was comforting. You both walked into the backyard and he took off his top. I blushed a little and faced the other way. He was really muscular. I never even knew. "Are you alright with the water? I don't want you to get hurt."
"I can swim now Jae, don't worry!" You gummy smiled, then hiccuped.
"Ah you're so cute." He patted your head and then took the beer from you. "Eh- " He drank it.
"So what's the reason behind this party? Hmm?"

- You didn't even mention it in the invite. Ugh -

"I-I'll tell you later. I hiccuped and sat on the edge of the pool.

I could feel something tickling my foot so I kicked it. Taeil jumped up from the water. "AH Y/N! YOU KICKED ME!" He cried.
"Don't touch my feet then, hahah."
"I was just doing a little prank!"

"OKAY THE DJ IS HERE!" I heard Yuta yell. I squealed and saw the man run up to me. "Y/N!"
"JOHNNY!" He picked me up and spun me around. "Tonight it's, DJ Johnny." He smirked charmingly.
You giggled. "Get to it then."

The music really made a difference to the vibe. You all danced and drank. "Aren't you drinking too much?" Hendery suggested. "What? No, shut up." I continued to drink the beers and dance with him.

"THIS NEXT ONE IS FOR Y/N! SINCE SHE IS MOVING TO BUSAN SOON, I WANT HER TO HAVE THE BEST TIME OF HER LIFE OKAY LETS GOOOO!!!!" Johnny yelled before blasting more music. A clear 'WHAT?' Was said by a couple people.

I laughed awkwardly. Hendery and Jaehyun asked me questions but I couldn't be bothered to listen. The music had taken over me. They both brought me inside. "Care to explain?" Jaehyun took the beer from me.
"Fine, I'm moving back b-because I'm sick of being here. I'm reminded of my wrongs wherever I go. I just want to be with my family so please just enjoy this night with me before I leave?." They both sighed but agreed to enjoy the night. I took the beer back and met new people. The door knocked again. Yuta got it. Soon, someone I didn't expect, walked into the backyard. I know I'm a little drunk but I'm fully aware of what's going on.
"Ay man, what's up?!" Taeil greeted Taeyong. Are the close? I didn't invite Taeyong so he must have.
You walked over to him. "Taeyong, you're here."

-My Office- NCT Kim Doyoung- Book 2Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora