She looked up at the stage, watching the band preparing for their intro. As she watched James confidently working the room, she felt a tingle of jealousy, gazing up toward the stage at the group of handsome musicians.

Sam leaned onto the bar next to his friends when Scarlett made her way over. Sam chuckled, "Liz doing that nervous yell thing before she goes on?"

He joked and both ladies rolled their eyes, "seven years with that one and she still has the strangest rituals."

They all joke as they realize Bucky is still gazing at her. They all laughed at him as he gawked over at the orange head of hair he can't shake from his thoughts. He also realized he wasn't the only one staring, she was looking up at the stage at the lead singer of Clutch and he fought his urge to do something about it.

Cobie nudging him, "she is quite a stunning one. But I'm surprised she gives you the time of day Barnes." She jokingly nudged him as he shook his head. "You're not the only one. She's a mystery, but I feel like I have to," Scarlett let out a laugh.
"You want to solve her Barnes? Oh, based on what I've seen...that may be impossible...but I can't wait to see how it unfolds."

As the lead singer strummed his guitar to get everyone's attention, James hurried back to the table and squeezed in, finding his way next to her.

The man from outside held the mic stand, "hello, we're Clutch and we're so excited to be playing a new song for you before our good friends The Petal Pushers play a few for you, their friends and partners. This is ignite me," his voice was low and excited. Poppy's exhilaration bubbling inside of her belly. Oh shit.

The music starts and they rock across the stage. The blonde leadsinger eyeing Poppy most of the performance. Bucky gripped her thighs under the table and whispered in her ear, "watching that one eye fuck you makes me want to bend you over right here infront of everyone."

She nudged him, "stop flirting Barnes let me work." He looked at her confused, she added, "you want them signed, correct?" He nodded and looked over at his friends making their way back.

They finished their song and Sam and Steve slipped in pinning her between Sam and Bucky in the round booth.

"They're really good," she smiled at Steve who nodded, "yeah and we're hoping you can pull some secret weapon sorcery this evening, because we haven't sold them yet and we really need to."

She nodded and gave a mischievous smirk and tilted up her drink, finishing it. "This'll be fun, but I want an extra week of paid vacation."

James and Steve chuckle, Steve smiling, "you make this happen, and you can have a month of paid vacation and a personal expense account."

She nudged James with a mischievous look etched on her face, "done". He blocked her from sliding from the booth. "Lemme out," she huffed with a playful smirk as she pushed him lightly.

"Where you going?" James narrowed his stare and she rolled her eyes.
"Going to do my job, would that be okay, Barnes?" She asked with a honeyed tone.

He slid out with his hands up and let her walk towards the bar. He let out a breath and looked at his friends across the booth. Sam letting out a laugh as Steve nodded, "she has all the control, our poor Buck, whipped."
Sam made a whipped motion and sound, they all chuckled and watch her leaning against the bar.

Tiny pale elbows lean against dark wood of the bartop as the bartender makes her drink. A thin finger twirling nervously into her coiled hair as she feels someone staring next to her. Emerald eyes gaze over to meet Chris smiling at her, "I would offer you a drink but," he pointed to the cup she lifted to her lips. "Chris," he held a hand out for her. She took it gently and shook his hand.

flirting with fire ⋟ bucky barnes ▪︎ ocDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora