"And we are younger than her..So we are calling her Min noona.." Yugyeom said giving Soomin a bright smile..

"Oh.."JB replied..

"Why?? Are you upset that she didn't gave you permission to call her this adorably??" Mark asked wiggling his brows..

"Why do I need permission like you OUTSIDERS?? I'm her husband.. So only I can give her the most adorable nickname..Isn't it, kitten??" JB said looking at Soomin smirking..

Hearing his speech every single living being sitting there was turned into statue..Soomin was coughing vigorously while looking at him and Soobin was patting his sister's back..

After the breakfast, Soomin and others went to living room to chat and JB went to kitchen to wash all the dishes after losing in rock-paper-scissor...When he was washing the dishes he saw Soomin laughing really hard..When he was looking at her,Mark came to him..

"I can say that you are accepting your marriage.."

"Is there any other option except accepting it.."

"So you are just excepting it bcz you have no other option?? Not bcz of..."

"Bcz of nothing else.."

"You don't have anything towards a-Min, right??"

"No..We are just friends now..And by the way, stop calling her a-min..It felt weird.."

"Why would you feel weird bcz of your friend being called intimatley like that??" Mark was really enjoying JB's expressions..It was cool even a minute ago..Now he looks like his mood has been ruined..

"It's nothing like that... It's just.."

"It's just you are jealous.. You are not accepting or saying that you have feelings for Soomin.."

"I don't have any feelings toward her.."

"You've.. Ask yourself honestly..Does her presence changes you like calm you down or makes you feel better?? You don't have to say that to me loud if you don't want, just listen it yourself...You'll get your answer yourself which is you like Soomin.."

"Why are you suddenly advocating on her behalf??"

"That's bcz I basically came here today to learn about your relationship..I know you for many years..I know your perspectives on women..But Soomin was Jaekwan's senior in uni.. She was one of Soomin's closest junior plus roommate..She told me many things about her which is why I don't think she deserves any hatred or misbehave that you show other women.."

"What really happened that you think I don't deserve her??" JB's full attention was towards Mark..

"It's bcz I just learnt how ill fated she is.."

"Ill-fated?? How by marrying me??"

"No..Do you even know that the present father of Soomin is not her biological father but uncle.."


"Their business was mainly Soomin's biological father's.. But after he died, her uncle forcefully married her mother in spite of having another wife and a son.. Choi Soobin is not her biological brother..Her mother committed suicide the day after the marriage and the company went to Choi Soohan's hand.. Till now Soomin was working there like a machine since she was 15. But she was also kicked out with the excuse of the marriage with you.."

"What are you even saying?? She..."

"She never utter anything regards this bcz she thinks the company is the only thing her father left behind.. So she can even sacrifice herself for that company.."

JB was looking at Soomin who was still chatting and laughing with others..

"I would only like to advise you that plz recognize your feelings..If it says that you love her than cherish her as much as you can bcz she had suffered already way too much.. But if not, then I advise you to let her go..I know you didn't want to get married before and your father forced it..But their motive was also your well being.. They wanted you to stop isolating yourself and find someone purely just for yourself..On the same time, your mother wanted to save Soomin from the darkness she was drowning into.."

"Why would my mother want to save her?? How did she know about her??"

"It's bcz she was Soomin's mother's best friend..Okay now that I've said what I needed to say, I'll be get going..I have a place to go with Jaekwan..She might be waiting for me..Think carefully..Don't rush..Bye.."

"Bye, hyung..And I'll cherish her.." the last line JB said giving Mark a gummy smile..

"Finally understood your feelings.."

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