"Test for yourself, professor."
This made him raise both of his brows as if to mock her.

"Care to tell me, when do you add lionfish spines in the Wiggenwald Potion ?"

Gods this man asked little of the little details. Svadhina felt relaxed she had read the books properly. Snape seemed to enjoy how she stood clueless, while she was reminiscing in her good thoughts. She perceived his personality as a teacher way to good. She had had teachers in her muggle school that challenged their students' confidence prior to teaching them.

"Well Haimi, im thinking I shouldn't try anymore."

"Sir.. we add first 5 lionfish spines when our potion has turned red in colour. And then we add five more after the potion is heated to turn yellow." she answered and Snape's smirk faltered as she spoke the tiniest detail of the potion.

He stepped towards her as he piped in his next question.

"What role does honey water have to play in it ?"

Svadhina felt nervous as he slowly moved towards her. She tried to shift her weight from one leg to another. It was difficult to maintain his burning gaze.

"It matures the potion from orange to turquoise blue." She whispered.

He kept moving and Svadhina felt she couldn't move a step anywhere; as if she was stuck where she stood. He was getting close and stood merely a few steps away from her. She just realised how tall he was and now she had to raise her head to look at him. His asked in his low and deep, baritone voice.

"But you didn't tell me what exactly Wiggenwald Potion is ?"

Svadhina closed her eyes as his voice drifted low into her system. She didn't know why her body was presenting her with such weird sensations which had nothing to do with fear of him. She couldn't reciprocate the constant eye contact for long but even with her eyes closed she felt him staring at her. She knew he was testing her and that he wasn't satisfied with the fact that she was well learned. But then again she was not going to surrender.

She opened her eyes and found him looking straight into her. This time she stepped forward towards him such that their chests were inches apart. She lowered her voice and spoke.

"That's because you didn't aske me Professor...." Snape's eyes widened at her changed demeanor but kept his gaze on her. .." But since you've so kindly pointed out, Wiggenwald Potion is the cure to the Draught of the Living Death. It awakens a person from magically induced sleep. " She answered him straight to the point.

Did he listen for he kept gazing her. His eyes shifting from one eye of her to another. Svadhina didn't realise how long they were like this. All she could feel was his breath on her forehead. Her eyes locked with his own transmuted everything around her. She seemed to be falling in those black depths. She suddenly came back from her strange euphoria. She stepped away and brought back the professional distance between them. Snape however, stood where he was; calm with a blank face. He noticed how the girl now hesitated to look at him now. Just moments before it felt that she was drinking in his person. He felt amused at the notion of  recognising her weak point.

Now satisfied, Snape asked her to retrieve her potions equipments from the corner and gave her the instructions to brew the Cure for Boils.

Svadhina knew the procedure but worked cautiously still recovering from what happened before. She knew Snape was too vigilant and very hard to please.

The potions master kept himself busy with some reading. So he kept reading all the time. That's why his knowledge is so brushed up; Svadhina thought to herself. He read silently to himself mostly as she did her work. But sometimes she would find him looking at her from the corner of her eye. Definitely he was analysing her work from far.

To Love is to Die (Severus Snape×OC Indian)Where stories live. Discover now