Chapter 17-

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How do you know if you've fallen in love?

Standing here on the edge of a glass balcony I can't help but wonder when you know you've fallen in love?

We have been in Bershly for around 6 hours now and I just took a 2 hour nap.

The bedroom I am staying in has this awesome balcony attached to it that I have been on for the last 10 minutes looking at the bright blue sky.

Matteo told me to settle in because he had to do something with 'Richard'

I'm not sure who Richard is at all but I was so tired I decided to agree and go for a sleep.

I haven't seen Zaria and Reece since the carriage so I wonder what they are at.

Winky face ;)

I lift my hands off the glass balcony railing and take in a deep breath, sucking in the fresh air.

I turn around swiftly carrying my house coat so it does not brush against the ground.

I slide open the also glass door that connects to the yet again glass balcony.

The warm air of the room hits me like a wave and I'm hit by a comfortable feeling.

I just want to get back into bed, but I must not.

I decide to have a nice warm bubble bath in the en-suite that's of course also attached to my room.

Seriously I'm so spoilt here.


I stepped out of the bath and quickly grabbed the towel off the radiator next to the bath and wrapped it around myself.

I feel my hair drip everywhere on the floor behind me and I fix my towel before wringing out my hair over the bath, letting the water drip in there.

I twist my long hair in a twirl and place it on the top of my head to keep it out of my face.

I reach for a clip in the cabinet above the sink and quickly put it in my hair.

I let out a sigh of relief as I let my hands down by my sides to rest.

Doing your hair as a girl is such an effort, an effort that's totally worth it though.

I open the bathroom door and I am instantly greeted by the warmth again which I have become to love so much.

I look around the huge room I am staying in and my view is greeted by someone I did not except to be sitting in here.

The one and only, Matteo Huxley.

His eyes creep their way up and down my body and I can hear his breathing from all the way over here at the bathroom door.

His mouth is set in a smirk that is just about seeable from where I am standing.

I decide to play a little trick on him as he sits there on the end of the bed looking finer than ever.

He's wearing a new fully black suit that clings to him perfectly.

His cologne is already stinging my nostrils but I'm not complaining one bit.

He must have been in this room a long time because his smell is everywhere in this room.

I put my game face on instantly as I tighten my towel around me.

He sets his hands back behind him as he leans against them.

Opening his legs in the slightest way possible.

The silence fills the room completely and not even the birds outside are chirping.

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