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Chapter one:

Crimson walked out onto her balcony and stared at the moon. She loved to come out in the middle of the night and feel the wind move around her holding her in a comforting embrace. Her friends told her it was dangerous to go outside at night, even if it was just on her balcony but why would it matter to her? She didn't care, she felt right out here. Out of the corner of her eye she saw a shadow dart for the tree the hung over her balcony. She didn't know what it was but she didn't want to risk it. She noticed something move in the tree. "No way they were that fast." She felt panic build up inside her. Her eyes darted left to right and back to left. She could barely see. The moon was no were in the sky. It was almost pitch black as she backed up even more towards the door and bumped into something rock hard. All the muscles in my body tensed and I felt a sharp pain on the curve of my shoulder and neck.

The last thing she remembered before she passed out was a faint whisper, "Your mine now,"

I shot up out of bed drenched in sweat. Damn, I thought, that dream again. I had a killer headache as I climbed out of bed and looked out my window. Ok so In reality I don't have a balcony. Thought that would be really nice. I chewed the inside of my cheek and thought, "Wonder why I keep having that dream..." So I've been having it for the past month. While most people dream about boys I dream about some weird dude with me on a balcony terrified and it always ends with my passing out. I never see what he looks like.

"Crimson Night! Get down here now!!" My mom yelled. yay I'm probably in trouble... again...

I slumped down the stairs and tripped over my own feet. I landed on the floor and yelled "HOLY SAUSAGE WRAPPED IN BACON WHO PUT MY FEET THERE?!!!" I looked up and saw Jerry standing in the door way. Jerry's this guy at my school. He's a complete snitch and loves to get me in trouble.

"Crimson did you shoot this boy with your paintball gun?"

I looked up trying to remember and felt a smile creep onto my face. There was no sense in denying it Mom always sided with him anyways.

"You grounded for 3 weeks."

" eh when am I not grounded?" I asked with a shrug and went back upstairs. But really. I was always grounded. 

I was setting up my paintball gun to shoot Jerry as he walked by when there was the loudest knock in the world on my door. It sounded like Godzilla trying to break my door down.

"No ones home!" I yelled throwing my paintball gun under the bed and opening the window wide enough for me to fit through.

"Open the door right now young lady!" My step dad yelled. 

Right before I could get through the window my door swung open. I turned to see Tim standing in the door way lookin red as a tomato. 

"Can I help you? IF not then I'm a little busy here," I tapped the window trying to make a point

"Don't talk to me that way. You get your ass downstairs rig-"

"hell no," I interrupted, " I don't wanna. anyways why do you even get involved? does it make you feel important? like your useful? Well your not so butt out."  Ok so it was a little mean but he's been a dick ever since mom married him. he walks around like he owns the place.

I could tell I set him off as he walked over to me and attempted to grab me by my hair. Forgetting I was half out my window I moved back and lost my balance just barely catching the ledge. I saw the look in his eye and knew exactly what he was going to do. As he raised his foot to step on my hand I closed my eyes and let go of the edge. I fell 2 stories and landed in a bush.

"HA TAKE THAT MONKEY BUTT!!" I yelled up at him.

He growled and turned to leave. Now would probably be a good time to run. I ran down the street and out of the neighbor hood. I ran into the forest near my house and to my hiding place. I came here to get away and be alone. 

"Stop trying to be so cool and get over yourself." "You'll never accomplish anything if you act like that." "learn some respect" All things people had said to me well I didn't care. Why should I if they didn't?

She leaned against the tree and thought about how it would be so nice if she could just stay out her forever. The wind blew a cool breeze that wrapped around her sending a chill down her back. She turned and started heading back and right as she was about to walk out into view she saw Jim in his truck driving around looking for her. She shrunk back into the forest and began exploring. "Today would be a great day to find something new"  She thought. As she went deeper in she started to get the feeling she was being watched. She heard a rustle in a bush and turned to look at it and said "Alright come out I know your there."

She waited a bit and then said " Don't make me go over there"

Then this super hot guy stepped out of the bush and said " hey babe." Ha no. That's how it went in my head but what really happened was a rabbit hopped out of the bush and made me feel like a complete idiot.

"Way to go Crimson. Scared of a stupid Rabbit. Nice." I criticized myself and turned to see this guy staring at me. And I let out the biggest scream ever.

"well nice to meet you to." He said.

"Didn't your mama teach ya not to sneak up on girls in a forest?" I asked shifting my weight to one foot. "Damn he's cute..." I thought "So you new here? I haven't seen you around."

"Uh yeah I moved here a week ago." He said with a smile.

I looked him up and down. He had Black hair cut like those stereo emos, worn all black, and had some nice muscles. He had a nice tan but still look pale. Well I guess he was a stereo type emo but that's not the point.

He raised an eyebrow at me and crossed his arms "Anyways what's your name?" 

I laughed "Like I'ma tell you. Stranger danger hun." 

"Fine I'll go first. I'm Derrick. there now I'm not a stranger. your turn babeh," He winked.

"Crimson. and don't call me that." I said.

"I'ma call you midnight." He said with a smile.

"What ever. I'ma call you.... er... well your part crocodonkey so I needa think."

"Crocodonkey? what the fu-"

"POTTY MOUTH!! and it's half crocodile and half monkey." I smiled.

"Umm.. ok?"

"Well I gotta get home so I'll see ya around. here Text me sometime alright?" I said and handed him a piece of paper with my number on it.

"Don't worry I will."


Hey guys so this is my first story on here so sorry if it sucks. XD I wanted it to be longer but I didn't have time I was in a hurry and I need to think about what I want to happen next so yeah. Rate/fan/blooped/interrogate/mushrooms/comment er what ever ya'll do and leem know what you think :) I'd also greatly appreciate some advise and stuff if it isn't to much trouble


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