Chapter One

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                   "I'm still lovesick"


I felt satisfied, having just finished my second year of Pharmacy. My goal of becoming a Chemist was only a couple years away. All I need is a stable job to support myself then I’ll be able to take care of Jaemin. I beamed with happiness. It’s been a while since I felt like I had control on my life. My life was finally heading in the right direction. I felt content, the black clouds clearing up, showing the bright, blue sky that stayed hidden for a long time.

A girly voice pulled me out of my thoughts.

Break time’s over babes” catching on Hana’s voice, my lips turning up at the corners, giving her a sweet smile as she nears me, clearly surprised at my change of behaviour. She frowns, not expecting me to smile out of my usual gloomy nature. I just felt like smiling for some unknown reason. Her eyes start scrutinizing me as soon as she arrives. She frowns, raising a brow at me, confused. “Babes, what’s with the smile” she asks curiously.“Did you get a date or something”she winked, wiggling her brows. I roll my eyes at her. She thinks everyone finds happiness in dating, which is not so true. It never brought me any happiness so far.“Hana, be practical, why would getting a date make me happy” I asked her, clearly annoyed as I got up from the chair I was previously resting on. She shrugs. “I donno, but what I do know is, you always get annoyed when I call you babes, but that’s not the case today. You are smiling at me which is kinda rare… so I assumed your single ass found a bae…” I sighed and shook my head “Just because I’m smiling doesn’t mean that I found a boyfriend Hana”

Well that’s just typical Hana. Her life revolves around dating, making it her only interest in life. Though I’ve never really understood the strange girl, I have grown quite attached to her since she’s a nice and fun person to be around. “But you know who to approach for advice if you find one” she winked again. “You’re crazy” I groaned as I entered the Café I was currently working in.

There’s an unusual amount of customers today, what’s the occasion Looks like I got lots of work today considering the large number of people that settled in the comfy café.

At the present time, I’m a part-time waitress at a Café, coffee house. I’ve been working here for almost a year. I obviously don’t plan to be a waitress my entire life, this is only to fulfil my needs as I’m studying to be a Chemist. My initial goal was being a cardiologist but life’s never easy, huh You never get what you desire, resulting in me taking a shorter path. It’s close enough to it anyways.

“Good evening, Ahnjong” The manager of this place greets me as he walks to his office. I reply with a small ‘Good evening’ and smile at him. It’s kind of weird, hearing him address me informally. I guess it has to do something with me smiling out of the ordinary.

Generally, I don’t smile much, even if I do, they are fake smiles to cover up the pain life gives me. Sometimes the suffering is so overbearing, I end up frowning. But today it’s unlike other days, for I had just gotten my 2nd certificate. It won’t be long before I find myself working as a Chemist. But happiness fades.

A strange feeling embraces me, my sixth sense sensing something not so pleasant. My heart beat picks up and my stomach feels weird. I freeze with an order in my hand. The last time I felt this way, I was 17. Does it mean that… As the door to the Café opens, the bell chimed, indicating a new customer has entered. Three handsome men all dressed up in well-tailored expensive suits enter the Café. I don’t recognise the first two males but the person walking along with them in the middle causes my whole world to turn upside down.

My heartbeat raises at an alarming rate, the overwhelming strange feeling getting stronger as I’m still standing numb holding someone’s order. It takes me a moment to recover from the unexpected situation before considering running away. The thought of running away to my apartment and locking myself pops up in my brain. But I can’t do that. I’m in charge of my life and I won’t allow him to affect or hurt me again. After I delivered the order in my hand with a quick smile, I gave myself a pep talk. I gathered all the remaining courage I had left and cautiously approached the table that he and the other two men had occupied. Taking their order wasn’t my only intention. I want him to look at me. I want him to see just how I’m better without him. I want to show him how fine I’m doing without him. I want him to know that he doesn’t affect me anymore. I want him to be astonished.

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