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There are so many affirmations you can say while shifting, the possibilities are endless! I have 50 here to get you started with!

I am proud of myself.

I will shift.

I am shifting.

Shifting comes easy to me.

I am good enough.

I can and I will go to my desired reality.

I can create my ideal reality.

Everything about shifting is easy for me.

I am pure consciousness, not attached to

Shifting is natural for me.

I choose happiness and happiness chooses me.

I am ready to shift.

I was born to be great.

Abundance and prosperity come naturally to me.

I am able to shift my life successfully.

I believe in myself and my abilities to succeed in life.

I am ready to release all negative energy and saying goodbye to my inner critic for my wellbeing.

I am happy with what I have.

Peace and happiness begin with me.

I have the power to overcome obstacles.

I trust my abilities.

I have shifted to my desired reality.

I stay focused on my goals.

I welcome abundance into my life.

I am the architect of my own reality.

I am ready for any challenges.

I can shift my entire life.

I choose to give and receive love every day.

I am made to do great things.

Fear is just a feeling, I overcome it and move forward.

I choose to see all the opportunities
surrounding me.

I am able to do amazing things.

Everything that I need comes at the right moment.

I have the power to create the reality I desire.

I focus on the good in any given situation.

I will not let my fears control me.

I am the creator of my life.

Shifting my reality is my top priority right now.

I let go of any negative and limiting thoughts I have.

I will go to my desired reality.

I have arrived at my desired reality.

I am in the process of manifesting my desired reality.

My thoughts are powerful and create my desired reality.

I am creating a new future for myself with every thought, word, and deed.

All is well in my world because all is well within me.

I can see what's not working right now so that it doesn't keep showing up again and again.

When I focus on what's already working, everything else falls into place automatically.

I am manifesting to my desired reality.

I love being at my desired reality.

My desired reality is awesome.

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