Chapter nine | Unexpected news

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Chapter nine | Unexpected news

Vivian King


I just came back from the library, I was there for 4 hours with Lily studying. I was currently taking a short break when I saw Lily. She seemed tense.

"Li what's wrong?"

"Nothing" I knew she was lying.

"You know you can tell me anything right?"

"Yup I do it's just that I bumped into someone today"

I burst out laughing. "Lily, why are you tense at the fact you bumped into someone?"

"Because it was the one and only Xavier Mortelli!"

No way, none of us had seen the Mortelli's today and it was weird.

"But how?"

"I'm not sure when I came back from sending my assignment then I realized I bumped into someone. I looked up and saw him"

"Okayyy but don't let him tense you up!"

"Right back to studying?"


"After exams I'm not planning on opening my books for a whole week!"


It was lunchtime Lily ordered food from Subway as we were too tired to even cook. Our class was canceled today and everything was online. We were lucky as we didn't need to go to class.


"Did you pay already?"

"Yeah I did it way way before you told me~"

"Thank you Li!"

"Anytime Vi~"

After I was done eating my phone began ringing. I just picked it up without seeing the caller id.


"Hey it's me!"

"Me as in who?"

"It's me Christian?"

"Heyy Christian, it's been years!"

"Yup how are you?"

"I'm fine thank you!"

"I'm currently enrolling in a new university"

"Really congratulations where?"


"No way I go there!"

"Wait really?"


"So can we hang sometimes? I'm sorry to cut this short but I really have to go see you soon!"

"See ya!"

It's been a long time since me and Christian had talked. We met each other when we were only 3 years old. I had to move away when I was 5 years old and that's how me and him lost contact. He was my second best friend after Lily of course. I should have told him exams are next week but I didn't as he always was second top of the class.



"Have you heard that Christian will be going here?"

"Yeah I just talked to him"

"It will be like old times three of us together again~"

"Yeah it would. Guess the group is back"

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