Chapter nine: the festival

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Blaze: I believe her name is Scarlet.

I looked over at him, more interested in the princess.

Jason: What does she look like?

Blaze: Your guess is as good as mine.

I sighed, disappointed that he couldn't describe who this "Scarlet" was.

Jason: You guys go on right ahead, I'll catch up with you guys later.

He nodded, so I left and pulled out my briefcase and transformed it onto my motorcycle and took a ride.

The streets were really busy, but I was skilled enough to maneuver through all the traffic. Then I noticed some smoke coming from a couple blocks away.

Fearing that someone was injured I sped to where the smoke was and got ready to help anyway I possibly could.

When I arrived, there were no first responders there, only a whole line of cars trying and a lot of men trying to help the injured.

(???): Where's the queen and her son?!?

I noticed that there was one car that was still flipped and was catching on fire. I noticed how none of the guards weren't daring to go near the burning, so I knew I had to take a risk and help out whoever was inside.

Sprinting into action, I ran to the car and broke the glass and crawled inside.

I spotted a female wolf who was unconscious and her son, who was crying.

Jason: Hey, hey kiddo!! Don't worry, I'll get you out of here. I promise.

I pulled out my knife and started to cut the seatbelt, freeing him from.

Jason: Listen to me, you need to crawl out and go to safety. I'll get your mommy.

He looked really scared, so I took off my mask and handed it to him.

Jason: See this mask, it has super powers. It gives the wearer to not be scared, wear this and it'll help you get out of here.

(???): O-ok.

He took the mask and put it on, and then crawled out and got to safety. Now, it was time for his mother's turn.

I cut her seatbelt and put her on my back, that way as I crawled she would slowly come out with me. Soon I noticed that the oil that was around the car started to burn, so I literally would have to walk through fire. Thankfully I didn't have to be concerned, because I've been burnt multiple times. Once out of the car, I got her off my back and then carried her bridal style and got away from the car.

Literally a second later the car exploded, just barely hitting me with the shockwave.

Soon the first responders came, so I took her over to them and gave them to her.

I saw the kid run over to her mother, but then turned his head to her. I nodded and signaled for him to go after, which he did.

I whirled around and disappeared into the crowd, heading back to my motorcycle and getting outta here before I was spotted without my mask on. As I got back on my motorcycle, I had a gut feeling that I should follow them and make sure that they were alright, so that's what I did. Following them was the easy part, getting to them proved very difficult. My best guess was that they were the royal wolf family, so they had tons of guards all around the premimiter.

Jason: Good thing that I'm good with these kinds of things. I pulled out my grapple gun and aimed at the room they were in, and easily got to the window and tapped lightly.

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