ᴠ: Run boy Run

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August 21, 1998 Friday

✦༝ ┉┉ ⋆ (Third Person Point of View)⋆ ┉┉ ༝✦

ANOTHER THING [M/N] hated more than liars is PE. He despise running. Although there are a few exceptions; running away from Lockwood is one of those, but running in track for their physical education (taiiku) is another thing. Dressed up in their PE uniform, 4th year elementary students gather at the school's track field. White shirt with red collar and sleeves tucked in a black shorts that reached above their knees, the uniform did poorly shielding the children from the burning glare of the summer sun.

[M/N] wiped the sweat that gathered in his forehead for the nth time with his favorite handkerchief, and they haven't even run yet! On the other hand, Lockwood stood at the center of a small group of children, no sweat in sight. Both genders wiping his invisible sweat, he even spotted someone's gym shirt being used as a faux fan; fanning him slowly like a spoiled prince, a bottle of cold water being presented by his side brought to him by one of his loyal subject. It was a sight to behold.

But what catch his attention the most is the red tie that hold Lockwood's black locks together in a low ponytail-binding together the little hair it could hold, the silver bell chiming with his laughter when one of his subordinate cracked a joke, and also glimmer whenever the sunlight made contact with it.

Meanwhile, the said prince has all his attention focused exclusively at [M/N]. Grinning like a mischievous cat he blew him a raspberry and mouthed 'Jealous?' to [M/N]. The [E/C] eyes boy looked cautiously to his right then to his left, when he deemed it safe enough he flashed the cocky brunette a double middle finger followed by a silent 'Go fuck yourself.' The foreigner fake gasp, a hand on his chest. 'You kiss your mother with that mouth?' [M/N] didn't feel offended in the slightest, rather, he pocketed his handkerchief and crossed his arms on his chest and huffed, 'I don't have a mother.' Lockwood was stunned with a silly look on his face, it took him awhile to process what [L/N] meant. Before he could reply their PE teacher, Mr. Sato made his entrance. "Same," Lockwood sadly muttered to no one.

"All right! Everyone eyes on front," Mr. Sato boomed like a foghorn. Children began to circle around the teacher, seizing their chattering. "Everyone would be running around the track 2 times after we warm up. And after you're done, I want you to sit on the bench and stretch again." The children did as instructed, forming lines with four column. The students mimic the teacher's movement in front.

Lockwood kept hitting [L/N]. He force his so called stretching just to hit and annoy the [E/C] eyed boy. Somehow during the time they were forming lines, the foreigner dashed to the empty spot beside him, he even use his charms and asked the person who got the spot if he could have it instead-no one paid attention to the girl who was rushed to the school's nurse office due to blood loss.

[M/N] tried to ignore the other with the best of his abilities but Lockwood is determined to get his attention and when the foreigner set his mind into something, with all of his power he would stop at nothing just to achieve it.

But Lockwood isn't the subject of his annoyance for today.

[M/N] should be excused for his injuries, especially his back where he landed on Ran. When he got home, he checked in the mirror his newly sustained wounds and saw a nasty bruise forming on his back. Unfortunately he doesn't know the needed treatment for it and he can't really stretch his aching arms all the way to his back without breaking a few bones. But according to Mr. Sato-when he approached him before changing into his gym uniform-he needed a medical certificate.

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