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I walk in the courtroom, my hands were shaking with nerves. I had alright won the case, I just needed to finalize the legal things.

"All rise," The judge says, her voice soft but full of power, "Now Beatrice Prior, you are wanting to take this two year old, Samantha Prior in your custody while her mother is being charged with various things and is sentenced to twenty years in prison."

"Yes." I nodded.

"Samantha's father, who has also been sentenced to prison, will have a restraining order until the child is 18. If you will please sign as her guardian."

I am handed papers, that basically say blah blah blah.

I sign my name slowly, allowing my thoughts to gather.

"Since you are the plaintiff, and you won multiple cases against the defendant, I hereby pronounce you the legal parent of Samantha Prior."

The mallet hits the desk.


I follow the stupid directions to the foster care, where Samantha is currently at.

I finally find the nasty old building and knock on the door.

"What?" A voice snarls. Wow, Annie all over again.

"Umm I'm here to get Samantha Prior." I give them a smile.

She groans, "Stay there, I don't need the police on my ass."

I just nod, what else could I do?

After waiting in the cold, she arrives minutes later with a crying mess in her arms, "Here. That thing won't listen." And she closes the door.

I sit on the icy steps with Sammy in my lap. I decided she needed a nickname. It suited her better.

What do I say?

I furrow my brows, "Hi." I murmur.

It worked! I mentally cha-ching.

Sam stares at me with big brown eyes, before her chubby face lifts into a smile.

She giggles. I bet she's clueless to everything going on right now, but that's okay.

She's safe with me.

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