Chapter Ten

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aniel and Tori headed to group together, the whole time she worried about Piper, she glanced back at the clock, 1:30 PM she started her second round of intensive chemotherapy in an hour.

"Good afternoon," Cari said sitting down crossing her legs, "would anyone like to share anything."

Victoria rose her hand for the first time.

"Go ahead Tori."

Daniel squeezed Tori's hand.

"Hi, so today I start my second round of intensive chemotherapy, yet my third week of all this mess, and it's supposed to be way more intense," she paused, everyone's eyes were glued onto her, "I'm scared for that, and because my first friend here, Piper is hooked up to more machines and chords then I can name."

Tears started to build up in her eyes "Ha sorry," she wiped underneath her eyes, laughing a little, "I am still trying to cope with all of this, it's a lot, I had...have an amazing life."

She looked at Daniel, he squeezed her hand again.

"I have so many regrets I do, but I'm so thankful for the care I've gotten here, yeah."

She stopped speaking, Cari smiled "Thanks for sharing." More people began to share, Tori looked at the clock, leaned over and whispered into Daniels ear, "Can you take me back to my room?" He nodded.

Daniel wheeled Tori back to her room. Pipers machine was still beeping. Tori sat herself on her bed.

"Thanks for being so amazing." she smiled.

"Eh its no biggy, I love you." he smiled.

Tori pushed her hair back, "No."

He kissed her cheek, "you don't have to say it back right now." he motioned to say something, but Dr. Klein walked in.

"Alright Tori," she looked behind her at three nurses "these two lovely ladies and this amazing gentleman will be helping you get ready."

She nodded.

Daniel told Tori he would come back and see her later.


Tori woke up with her dad, mom, and her brother on either side of her.

"Hi sweetheart." her mom pushed her hair back.

She tried to smiled but she was too tired. One of the nurses came in and checked her vitals.

"Hi Tori, I see you're up, I'm going to get you some water, ok?" she smiled, taking off the blood pressure wrap.

She sipped on the water. Her phone chimed. Myles lifted her phone up checking her screen, "It's Austin, he wants to know if he can come up and see you."

She shook her head, "no." she croaked.

Daniel came in, "how's my trooper doing?"

"Fine, hi Daniel how're you?" her mother said.

"I'm fine Mrs. Fitz" Daniel had recently started calling her that, and she hadn't minded.

"Nice to see you son." her father nodded at him.

Myles said nothing.

Tori slowly sat up glancing up at Piper.

"Theirs signs of brain activity," Dr. Klein said as she walked in, "so your blood pressure is a little high so we'll need to monitor that, but everything else seems okay, does anyone have any questions for me?"

Nobody said anything.

"Good. Good. I'm glad, well I will be stopping by later to check on you and Piper as well."

Pipers family hasn't been up since she had her episode.

"Victoria sweetie I have to get to work, but I will come back up later ok?" her mom kissed her head.

They got along better when one of them didn't speak.

"Me too, T." Myles said hugging her.

Daniel took the spot of her mother.

"Tori I'm going to get some food, some waters for you, would you like anything else?"

"Cream of Broccoli soup please." she smiled.


"Nothing sir, thank you."

Her father left, Daniel started to kiss her all over her face.

"What was that for?" she giggled.

"Nothing, just me showing my affection for you."

"You're the best; my sweet boy. I've decided to cut my hair, it's falling out anyways, just short, not at my shaving moment yet."

"How short?"

She moved over slightly, patting the bed motioning him to lay next to her.

"Like Britney Spears' did at one point."

"Cute girl cute, but that is bald baby girl." he said mimicking a high pitch girlie voice.

She laughed, "Oh my gosh babe no please don't. And yeah I guess it is." She faintly laughed.

Her phone vibrated; it was a text from Austin. She ignored it. Shortly after her father walked in with the soup. He set it on the night stand, "alright lovely I've got work, I ate down there, call if you need me." He kissed her head leaving.

She took off the lid, blowing on her spoon, slowly placing it in her mouth to avoid burns. She smiled, "yum," Daniel laughed, "wants some?" He shook his head.

A weird noise came from Piper, her machine started beeping rapidly, Daniel called for help as he pressed the urgency button. "Guys I'm going to need you to leave, now!" A women said hooking up the electric shock paddles, "she's coding, someone page Dr. Klein, charge to two-two-hundred," she waited "clear!" Everyone stepped away, Pipers body jolted off the bed.

Victoria and Daniel watched from outside the window, Dr. Klein came in, they were all yelling, she asked a resident to call her family.

"Alright charge to three-hundred now!!" Everyone backed away, "clear!" Her machine started beeping more rapidly.

Pipers monitor went flatline, "Time of death 18:42" Dr. Klein said shutting the monitor off.

"NOOOOOOO!" Tori screamed "Do something. Anyone!!" She hollered as tears streamed down her face.

Dr. Klein came over a kneeled down "Victoria theirs nothing we could've done."

"Bullshit, maybe checked on her more often, helped her! You let her die, you just let her die." She started sobbing.

She looked over and watched them wheel Piper out of the room with a blue blanket over her head. She made her way back into the room, Daniel lifted her onto her bed, she kept screaming and crying.

"Cupcake." Daniel was crying too, "I need you to be strong, we both need to be strong, her family is coming up here."

"She was the only true person that saw me for me, and now she's just gone, Daniel what if I could've helped save her...what if this is..."

He cut her off "Victoria!! Stop it. It's not your fault, we couldn't save her, we don't know one thing about what had happened." He climbed into her bed stroking her hair.

She continued to cry, but had stopped yelling, the tears got softer and softer as she started to fall asleep. He continued to play with her hair, he kissed her forehead, "it's gonna be okay."

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