I Needed Some Turnips

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Chapter 10
I Needed Some Turnips

"Boo!" I yelled behind Caroline as Zach and I sneakily entered the kitchen of the diner.

She jumped and screamed about to smack me over the head before she realized that it was just silly ol' me and not some kind of kidnapper.

"You idiot!" She screamed hitting me in the chest. "You know how freaked out I've been over the whole-" She looked around cautiously, "...situation"

I laughed mockingly, "Oh Carebear there isn't a ghost, silly goose!"

She gave me a 'I hate you' look and rolled her eyes, "There could be, how do you explain the lights? And the moans? And the open cabinet doors?" She questioned.

I gave a her a 'you've got to be kidding me' look. "I have seen and heard none of that! And where did Zach go?" I asked looking around at the empty space beside me.

She furrowed her eyebrows, "I'm not sure, the last thing I heard from him was 'awww' then he walked off."

As she said this Elizabeth walked by and glared, "Jeffrey is in the back terrorizing people." She claimed.

"How many Elizaglares is that today?" I asked Caroline who had started counting them as well.

"Four," She said arms crossed, "Only one more till she gets a hug."

I nodded, "I'll go inform Zach!"

A small smile formed on her face as she nodded.

As I left the room I yelled over my shoulder, "You're prettier when you smile!"

She rolled her eyes but the smile stayed on her lips.

As I entered the backroom I found Mr. Haywood and Zach chattering to themselves in a corner. "Yo, Jeffrey, you have some tables to wait!" I said, breaking up their gossiping session. This was common for them, they would go into the back room and chat like teenage girls at a sleepover. I wonder what they talked about so much, I mean they talked A LOT.

He pouted, "But Drewbear!"

"Go! Now!" I demanded, no one would ever get any work done with these two chatters.

He pouted some more but did as I told him to do.

"Bye Unicorn!" He said running out of the room to go do his job.

"Bye Zachattack!" Mr. Haywood yelled as he turned to face me. "You ruin everything Drew!" He said frowning and leaving the room as well. Probably to follow Zach around while he waited tables, he's usually not allowed to wait them alone, just incase.

Wow. I attract really weird people. I mean I must have the weirdest best friend and boss in the world.


Later on, after I had cooked a bunch of food for people, Caroline told me to go wait tables since we weren't very busy and Zach was on his break.

After asking all the tables in the front if they needed anything, I walked to the most secluded booth in the back of the restaurant to find Zach and Nancy huddled up in the back of the booth talking about something with serious expressions.

I tried to eavesdrop but all I managed to hear was something about a trenchcoat before I tripped over a chair. Both Nancy and Zach's head shot up at the sound, like they were talking about something suspicious and didn't want anyone to know about it.

"Owwwww," I yelped as I lifted my head off the ground, Nancy and Zach were looking at me like I was strange.

Elizabeth must have heard the noise and came over. She glared at me from behind...I could feel it...and started berating me, "Drew! Get up! You have work to do!" She snapped.

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