Chapter Seventeen

175 7 13

warning: there are some descriptions of blood and death, and a short moment when the reader is mentioned dry heaving after feeling sick

(if you want to skip that, skip to "you sat up frantically"/after all of the italics.)

another thing (which came up in my mind bc of a scene in this chap): my fic will not include smut, nor will anything sexual be included. there's multiple reasons why. one, i do not feel comfortable writing anything like that. and two, the characters are minors and i don't feel comfortable with that either.

i just wanted to say this in case anyone was expecting me to write smut or anything explicit because i have no intention to whatsoever.

last thing: sorry for not updating sooner. i started struggling with any and all set-in-stone future plans and panicked, so i took a short break (like 4 days long LMAO) from writing this. i've been pretty overwhelmed with school as well, and my brother's friends found my tiktok account so that def helped. 

In your dorm, the lamps let off a yellow light while the clashing blue of a warm summer night broadcasted through the open window. Frankly, you should've turned the lights off and closed the window. It was getting late and you felt tired as you lay in your bed.

But at the same time, you were too aware of everything around you to settle. The slight imperfections, the brushes of dark and lighter reds in Katsuki's eyes that were so close but blurry all at once. You couldn't seem to focus on any detail. That fact bothered you, and you moved closer to him. You felt his nose brush against yours as you inched impossibly forward. Even when you felt the warmth of a close human body radiating against your skin, neither you nor Katsuki hesitated or moved away. He never even said anything. And you didn't either. He just laid there, his eyes making small movements around your face as the feeling of each of his inhales were palpable against you. At the same time, you allowed yourself to be aware of the fact your lips weren't far from his own.

You brought a hand to his face and focused on his left eye, however, nothing cleared the fog from your eyes. You pulled away and rolled onto your back, palming your eyes with your hands. "I can't see. It's blurry."

"What?" Katsuki asked. You looked at him. He was still laying on his side, and everything in front of you continued to be covered in that faded blur. His face looked as though you were staring into a memory.

A part of you realized this was only a dream. Yet you weren't in control. You were merely forced to follow the movement of your puppeteer while aware you were only a pawn of theirs.

You turned on your side and looked at him. "Nothing."

"Whatever," he said, laying on his back and folding his arms against his chest.

You watched him for a long moment, laying on your side. His eyes flickered around the ceiling. You could see even those slight moments. "You like me," you said when you caught him quickly glancing at you like you would disappear if he didn't.

His irises moved to the corners of his eyes, leading his body until he laid on his side like you did. "Hm?"

"You still do?"


"That's crazy to me," you said, "because it just doesn't seem like it."

A scowl appeared on his face almost immediately. "The fuck does that mean?" He sounded offended.

You sighed, shrugging. "I don't know. I just have never looked at you and thought, 'Oh, it looks like he has a school-girl crush on me!' you know?" You looked at him, almost expecting an answer to your own rhetorical question.

FamiliarityOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora