That's an understatement. "Yes. Very."

"Well then whoever gave it to you must not think very much of you, to risk it?"

"No I dare say he doesn't give a fart about me."

"But there is a reason you're thinking of still doing it?"

" keep them safe." My family are all I have and I would do anything to keep them safe. My mother especially.

I planned to. "I'm just worried that I won't be able to do it."

"You would be surprised what you can achieve when you really try. I know you are caught between a rock and a hard place. It's hard to look ahead and see an end. Just keep trying to do the next right thing and don't worry about the future. Whatever is meant to be, will be."

"Are you always so optimistic?"

"Not really. But I do believe things work out the way they were supposed to whether you want them to or not. This job is really getting to you isn't it?"

I gave a sniff. Trying to keep my emotions hidden. "It is. I have never felt so lost and ... alone."

"I can be surrounded by people and still feel alone. In fact that's when I feel most alone. But then I think of my mother and how she is always on my side. Always there to help me."

"My mother is the same."

"So there - you aren't totally alone. You have your mother. Next time you feel sad or anxious - write to her and vent. Let her be there for you."

"That's not a bad idea. My mother would understand better than anyone. I am doing what I have to. To keep them safe."

"Well I don't know who they are but if they are in danger then I say that you need to do whatever it takes. I know I would."

"You're right. Of course. And you? What's eating you?"

"My friend. I feel she is heading down a dark path and I am very worried for her."

"Worried she will turn dark?"

"Worried that she will forget that she has light inside her as well as dark."

"Sorry you lost me."

"No one is as pure as they claim. We all have both good and evil in us. Light and dark. Which we chose to be in the moment depends on what we are facing. My friend, Azaleah -"

I knew the name. Theo's girl. She is set join her parents and the Death Eaters along with Theo.

"She is either already a Death Eater or she is going to be one. I just know it. That's why she is pushing us away. So we won't feel betrayed. But she needs us. Especially now."

How can this girl be so caring? How can she still like her friend knowing what she is?

"She must be so conflicted between pleasing her parents, wanting to be with Theo and doing what feels right. I want her to know I don't blame her. I don't know what I would do if the roles were reversed."

"So you don't hate her?"

"Not at all. Just because we believe in different things doesn't make either of us wrong...just different."

"Wow." This girl was too good for this earth. Her understanding, her beauty inside and out. Her ability to see the good and the bad in everyone. Including me.

The Buddy System.    *Complete* Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon