Chapter 4 - A New Start

Start from the beginning

I pulled the brown leather boots onto my feet, and tightly tied the laces up. I stood up and dusted off my clothing.

Just as I opened the front door, I heard small footsteps racing down the stairs. I turned around to see Azaria running down the stairs excitedly with a huge grin on her face.

"Wait for me mummy", she called out running down the last few stairs.

We walked outside together, we walked over to the horse stables.

I walked into Gypsy's stable, bringing her out over to where Azaria was standing.

She was smiling brightly and jumping up and down. I couldn't help but giggle myself at her cuteness.

Azaria was waving her hands in the air indicating she wanted to be picked up. I carefully picked her up and placed her on the front of Gypsy.

Once I put her on, I hopped on myself, and held onto the reins tightly while Azaria held onto Gypsy's mane.

"Trot", I said to Gypsy, and she immediately began to trot. Azaria was giggling with excitement as Gypsy was trotting around the paddock.

"Faster faster", I heard Azaria squeak. I squeezed Gypsy's belly with my legs indicating to go a bit faster.

Gypsy began to run a little bit around the paddock. Azaria was squealing with excitement while tightly clutching onto Gypsy's mane.

I couldn't help but laugh at Azaria's overexcitement.

It felt like we were riding on Gypsy's back for hours.

It was one of the most perfect times of my life. Riding my horse, with my daughter, out in the country. It was just perfect. But... Hunter. I don't know why he's always in my heart. He was an asshole, he broke my heart, and right before he got to meet his own daughter... But I still love him.

I now saw that Azaria was resting her head on Gypsy's neck. Was something wrong?

"Whoa whoa", I said to Gypsy while pulling on her rein, making her go slower then stop.

"Are you alright sweetie", I asked Azaria.

"Yeah mum. Just a bit hungry. I didn't have breakfast because I was excited about riding Gypsy", she said too me.

I just giggled.

"Honey you need to eat breakfast everyday", I said to her.

I got off Gypsy, and led her into her stable. Then lifting Azaria off of her and taking her inside.

"Go sit on the couch and I'll make you a sandwich", I said to Azaria.

She nodded and ran over to the couch, while switching the channel onto 'Sesame Street'.

I went into the kitchen, and made Azaria a cheese, ham and tomato sandwich.

Once I finished I went into the loungeroom and handed her the plate with the sandwich.

"Yummy. Thankyou mummy", she said with licking her lips.

I giggled and walked upstairs into my bedroom.

I still have the same bedroom I had from when I first moved here. Azaria's bedroom is down the hall next to my parents bedroom, which was originally a smaller loungeroom, but got changed.

I sighed while walking into my bedroom and staring at the boxes that were slowly filling up the bedroom.

If you didn't know, in about 1 week, Azaria and I will be moving to a city called, Paygnorman.

It is a small city, which is helpful.

We are moving into an apartment which is located near the back of the city.

The apartment we are going to be living in is quite big, except when we move in, another person will also move in, in our apartment with us.

I guess it will be good to have an apartment buddy to live with us. They could become my best friend. It would also teach Azaria good skills for when she goes to college.

Azaria will be attending a school called, 'Paygnorman West Primary Academy'. It won 6th best educated school in the state 2 years ago. Which is good to know, because I want Azaria to get a good education.

And for me, well I will be working at a new vet clinic that they opened up, which is coincidently only a few streets away from Azaria's school.

Life will be good. A fresh start, I will hopefully get new friends, and Azaria will hopefully get a good education. Hopefully it will refresh my past...

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If you can dream it, you can do it.

- Disney


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