Chapter 35

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"Fighting, unnie! You can do it." Tzuyu cheered Jihyo.

"OF COURSE, SHE'S OUR JIHYO!" Nayeon added.

"YEAH!!" and they all agreed. Jihyo smiled to them and got her bag.

"Alright, I'm gonna go now. Thanks for all your support, I'll do my best!" Jihyo said and was about to go.

"Are you sure you don't want us to-" Jeongyeon was about to say something but Jihyo cut her off.

"I'm fine, I'll just audition. You know just show off my singing skills and stuff. I'll really go now, bye gays!" Jihyo said and waved.

It's 27th. The day she'll audition.

She was walking herself to find a cab when her phone rang. It's Jimin calling. She answered it

[Hey girl! How are you doing with the audition?] he asked.

"I'm about to go there, actually. Just waiting for a cab."

[Do you want me to go with you?] Jimin asked.

"Huh? No, thanks. I'm fine, Jimin. It's just an audition," she answered.

[It is an audition!! You need support and cheers you know]

"I already had cheers and support. Thanks for yours, by the way. Oh there's a cab already, I'll hang up. Bye!" she said and went inside the cab.

[Okay. Goodluck girl!] he said and hung up.

"Where, ma'am?" the driver asked.

Jihyo looked at the paper where the location was written.

"Uhm. KD Corporation, sir." she answered. She even hesitated because she was reminded of someone because of the initials.

She took a sigh.

'You can do this, Jihyo. Don't be nervous. Just sing, okay? And do your very best!' Jihyo thought to herself.

After about 20 minutes, she arrived at the company. She gave the fare to the driver and went out.

"Woah. Cool," she commented after seeing the company. It looks new. Like new built.

She walked slowly to go inside.

As she entered, she already saw a lot of people going to the audition.

She suddenly felt nervous.


'What if I don't pass the audition? What if all these people are better than me...'

She thought. She's been practicing, but she felt like all those practice are nothing.

She took a deep breath.

"Okay. I can do this," she told herself.


After 84 years....

Just kidding.

After so long, finally. It's Jihyo's turn.

"Park Jihyo?" a man called her name, meaning it's her turn. She took a deep breath again, and stood up. She went there.

There are some people watching, and four judges at the front.

"Okay, please introduce yourself first and tell us what are you going to do,"
one of the judges said and smiled.

moving on with you | jihyo ♡ danielحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن