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I hid in my room until everyone had retired to bed, only then did I feel brave enough to venture down and fix myself a glass of water

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I hid in my room until everyone had retired to bed, only then did I feel brave enough to venture down and fix myself a glass of water. I glanced at the brutal display on my wrists and visions of my past idled into my mind. I swiped away a tear that dared to roll down my cheek and placed my glass on the side, taking myself outside, away from the drawer of knives.

After being inside the warm house I almost forgot how bleak it was, snow singed my cheeks and I convinced myself it was cold enough to turn my tear drops into ice. My eyes slowly adjusted to the darkness, the only thing lighting up the garden were the lights inside the pool.

"Ow! Fuck!" A guys voice sounded from inside the snowy rose bush.

"Who's there?" I shouted, rubbing my eyes hastily because in the second someone broke into the garden I was self conscious that my eyes were puffy enough to tell I had been crying. The bushes moved as the human-like figure got closer to me.

"Oh hey, uh..." He tapped his lips thoughtfully. "The new kid... uh... Blossom?" He leaned himself against the tree and acted casual.

"It's Fearne." I corrected.

"Pretty sure he went in here sir." A flash light appeared over the fence illuminating the fluffy snowflakes raining from the sky. The guy cussed under his breath, a fog of white mist floating out of his mouth.

He pounced forward, crunching the snow beneath his feet with every step and then clasped his hand over my lips.

His body enclosed me completely, trapping me between him and a maple tree, immersing me with his warmth.

His cinnamon-coloured eyes linked up to mine and captivated me instantly. They were brooding and mysterious, they felt dangerous and exciting. He clenched his strong jaw and moved his nostrils ever so slightly as he breathed through the icy air.

"Stay quiet Blossom" He spoke with a low voice, smooth and seductive. "I'm going to remove my hand now, don't tell them anything." I gave a small nod.

He was fucking gorgeous, if Jamie was sculpted by the gods then this guy was hand carved by the devil himself, placed on this Earth solely to sway the innocence of naive girls - and holy shit, was he doing a good job at it.

His complexion was a mix of autumnal hues, a serenity of umber brown harmonised with golden undertones that created a more flawless look than I ever dared to dream possible.

That made him completely and utterly off-limits to me. A brown boy. No way.

Slowly he pulled his hand away, watching my every move.

"What the fuck?" I asked, rather loudly.

"Shh." He scolded.

The handle of the gate rattled and the door started opening. "Fuck!" He hissed before my mouth was once again silenced by him, only this time in a completely different way.

I stood frozen - but melting by the heat of his body pressing up against mine, his soft lips caressing me sweetly. I thought about pushing him away but he smelt divine and looked even better so my mouth gave into temptation and moved against his.

His fingers tugged through my hair gently so he could easily deepen the kiss and my pulse quickened, reminding me that I was alive.

He tasted sweet like rosy apple candy and his kiss was skilled, seductive and awakening. I had no idea what to do yet somehow nature took over and guided the way.

"Excuse me!" A voice called out from behind us. He pulled away from our kiss. "Sorry to interrupt but have you seen any suspicious activity around these parts this evening?" The officer stood at the gate, hand resting on his baton.

I glanced at the stranger, his eyes widened as he secretly told me to keep quiet. He pressed his lips together gently, not sucking them in so they didn't lose any of their plumpness. Sweet caramel brown lips, a little blushed and moistened from my own.

I shook my head at the officer.

"You live here?" He asked.

"Yes." I replied curtly.

"Have you both been here all night?" I glanced at his lips again and he smirked at me.

Holy fucking mother of God, that smirk! It tightened every muscle in my body. Like a venomous snake he rendered me weak, poisoned to his will.

"Yes." I lied again.

"We're looking for three boys, they're very dangerous so I suggest you lock yourselves inside just to be safe. Do not approach them, just call 911 immediately. They're armed." My heart leapt out of my chest and rolled around in the grass screaming 'shitttt!'

"W-what did they d-do?" I stuttered out, really conscious I was standing in this guys embrace right now and he apparently had a gun.

"They shot a tranquilizer dart at one of my officers."

He burst out laughing and I peered at him sternly. He cleared his throat and forced himself to stop.

"Thank you for checking up on me officer." I uttered innocently.

"Stay safe miss." He left, closing the gate on his way out. The guy backed away from me practically straight away. Subconsciously I held my own lips clinging onto the memory of my late night sin.

"Thanks blossom, you're a real gem." He muttered, his whole manner casual. A mix of shame and frustration palpitated through me.

"It's Fearne." I growled.

He waved his hand through the air in dismissal. "It doesn't matter."

Fury hit me like a freight train, he just stole my first kiss and I just saved his ass, but it doesn't matter?

"Are you fucking serious?" He raised his eyebrows at me, surprised by my tone. After a moment another slow, dickish smirk appeared on his lips.

Oh good Lord, stop doing that, it's extremely sexy.

"Don't make a big deal out this, we both got what we wanted. I got an alibi and you got to kiss me." He shrugged nonchalantly and that only infuriated me further, how self absorbed could one person be?

"I didn't want that!"

"Could've fooled me when your tongue was humping mine." I could hear the amusement in his voice and that only annoyed me more. "It was just a kiss Blossom, no big deal."

"It's Fearne! And it's a big deal to me. I took a vow of celibacy and kissing is off-limits to me. I would've liked to have had the choice in saying no."

Especially to you.

He burst out laughing right in my face.

I breathed in deeply, trying to control my anger just so that he didn't die tonight. What a dick! It was abundantly clear to me now that his beauty ended with his face.

"Blossom don't lie to yourself, you wanted-" He started to say with amusement.

"That's it!" I pushed my hands into his chest, shoving him across the garden.

He protested and tried to push me away while laughing but I was far too mad. He lost his footing and ended up falling backwards into the mid-February pool water.

I stormed off back inside the house, slamming closed the door behind me. Leaning against it, slowing my heart rate back down to normal standards and smiling to myself.

I kissed a boy.

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