The Bus Seat

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I heard the squeaking. The hamster. Running on his wheel. Xylophone. What a stupid name. Xylophone. That's what mom- never mind. Xylo was basically my alarm clock. I didn't have one. I was always late. No matter what. I could wake up at 2 o'clock in the morning. Still be late. No matter what. Late. "Damn it Quinntin shut up the squeaking!" Oh. Yeah. The parrot other known as Dad. "Quinntin!" You disease spreading lunatic. Yep. As you can tell I'm really good at nick-names. I would never say this to my dad. Unless I wanted to be dead. No he would never kill me. He loves me. I love him. I just say stuff in my head. Like I always do. I could be a writer if I wanted. I could. "Damn it Quinntin I will take the wheel out myself!" My dad walked in. His gray hair looked fairly blond in my lights. Neon. Yep those were cool. "I don't see how you stand these things Quinn they hurt me already." That's because your old and fat. "Quinn do we need to get you checked out or something?" I didn't need help. I just- I don't know I'm descriptive. Man a writer. That would be- "Quinn get dressed school bus leaves in 5..." I could tell his tone. Sad and depressed. Like a- "damn your Quinntin get dressed!"I grab my navy blue top and my khaki camo shorts. That will get the lady's. No. It never will.
Whatever who needs them anyways. Girls. There perfume gives me headaches. Too strong. Like they bathed in it. Man if all the girls bathed in perfume we would all die. An apocalyptic death. We would come back as zombies but die again.
Because the girl zombies would be there and even the smell of death couldn't overpower the smell of Fruity that a scent. Corniest name ever. EVER. Aren't blossoms supposed to be fruity. Gosh Quinn are you a girl!
"Quinn,Spencer,Jonah the bus is here!" Squak. Squak. Squak.
I run downstairs and grab the deodorant on the counter. I put it on and smell. It's a habit. FRUITY BLOSSOM. What the hell! Gosh now I smell all sugary! No breakfast I don't have time to brush my teeth. "QUINN THE BUS IS HONKING!" I quickly run outside and I see the Zinnias my dad planted a week ago. Dammit RUN right before the bus door closes I hop in. "Wow Smith new record."
"Thanks Mr.Mac."

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 11, 2015 ⏰

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