"Hey there, Little Lady," A strong, masculine voice suddenly filled my ears as whoever it is leaned their heads on my shoulder," You know, there's one thing I don't like and that's being ignored and I believe you did just that, but considering your role in my life, I will overlook that," He lazily sighed," But anyway, as I already said," He stopped to whisper against my neck," I am thirsty."

Those words. Those words brought many unsettling thoughts to my mind as a shiver crawled up my spine in fear of the many possibilities that those normally usual words would mean.

Is he going to kidnap me? Or even worse, kill me?

But when my mind synced everything together, a sudden peace washed over me and calmed my nerves for some reason, even as my mind remained in a blaze and this was all because of one thing.

His voice.

His voice sounded vaguely familiar. Like the one from earlier on and the one from my dreams. Could he be a ghost that's haunting me for unknown reasons?

No. I don't think ghosts ever get thirsty.

Then this leaves only one other species I know of to get thirsty and can sometimes have telepathic abilities and those are vampires, but vampires don't exist, right?. Or maybe they do after all, because no one can be that quiet that I could enter my room without hearing or seeing them, plus, I'm on the second floor. No one can jump that high. There's no tree close to my room either to climb up here from. There's no other insane but sensible explanation.

He's a vampire and he's gonna kill me!

"Missy! Hello!" He lazily called from behind me as he moved his face away from my neck, but I barely made a squeak in response. A groan suddenly left his mouth before he said,"I'm gonna move my hand from your mouth, but if you dare to scream..." He warningly said, a silent threat lingering in the atmosphere from the silent but very apparent warning.

I simply shook my head, giving him the green light which he took without an ounce of hesitation as he moved away and allowed me to turn around and face him and guess what, it was the exact guy from the alley. His blond curls, crisp white shirt, black skinny jeans and black sneakers were unmistakable, but this time, my eyes connected with a lively emerald green pair.

"W-wh-ho a-a-are y-yo-o-ou?" I stuttered, "Are you a-a-a v-vampire?"

A look of confusion visibly took over his features as he placed his hand to his hip and stared at me with his piercing green orbs.

"Are you here to k-k-kill me?" I panicked, which seemed to shock him even more as he gaped at me with genuine, visible bewilderment and even mortification and horror.

"Why in the world would I do that?" He exclaimed in clear mortification.

I don't know what gave me the guts because the next thing I know is I'm responding without a single stutter.

"You said you were thirsty and you came out of nowhere. Why are you even here?" I asked.

"I am thirsty." He nonchalantly responded without a hint of dishonesty in his voice as he raised an eyebrow that had my heart fluttering.

"For what? My blood?" I shakily asked, only to have him shake his head with mortified eyes.

"The fates have cursed me with an insane person." He muttered, slapping his forehead and looking up at the clean, white ceiling.

"Or maybe you're a ghost, but ghosts don't get thirsty." I asked.

He simply sighed before suddenly appearing in front of me, making me squeak and jump back in surprise.

"Missy, listen here. I am not here for your blood. I have no idea where you got that crazy notion in the first place. I am here because I'm thirsty and seeing as you're my souleste, Little Love, you are the only one who can help me." He spoke gibberish I've never heard before, that I had to fight the urge to grab my phone and contact the nearest asylum, but a part of me felt safe and comfortable in his presence that I had to ask myself why.

Wait...did he say souleste?

"Did you just say souleste?" I cautiously asked, only to receive a nod in response. "Where do I know that from?"

"Considering that I referred to you as my souleste earlier this morning during your slumber, I'm sure that's where you recognise the term from, Little Missy." He explained and that's all the confirmation and evidence I needed to know that the person in my dreams is the same person standing in front of me.

"How did you get in my dreams?" I boldly asked, with new found strength thanks to my hypothesis.

"Because I am your souleste just as you are mine," He responded impatiently before saying," And as I already said before, I am thirsty."

That one sentence, had shivers running down my spine as I asked myself what he was thirsty for.

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