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Dan's PoV

"Oh my God!" a voice screamed. "Help, someone!"

"Jamie?" I asked. "Where's Jamie?"

"Oh my God!" the voice screamed again!" I heard a phone and I figured she was calling 999. "Hello? Yes, I need someone on..." she continued to ramble into the phone. I half listened, half didn't. When I started to fade away, I tuned into her ramble again to try and keep myself focused on something to stay alive. "Yes, there is a boy and he's been shot! He's on my front lawn! Yes, and then..." she gulped, "... there's a girl in the middle of the road. I think she's been run over by a car. I'm not sure if she's breathing!" I felt a warm, salty tear roll down my face.

"J-Jamie?" I asked. The woman ran up to me.

"He's speaking! The boy is speaking!" she called into the phone. "What is it honey?"

"Where's Jamie?" I asked.

"I don't..." She paused to listen to the voice. "Yes," she said into the phone. "Yes I'll grab the girl." I heard sirens and I was hoisted into an ambulance. "Where's Jamie?" I asked. "Where's Phil!?"

"Don't worry," a voice called. "We'll help you."

"Where are my friends?" I asked one more time before they shut the doors and my vision went black.


Phil's PoV

The farther we ran, the more my leg hurt. I had been previously shot in the leg before I was brought to that building. "C'mon!" Jerry shouted in his American accent. "Keep moving! We have to make it back to London!"

"I can't go much further!" I told him as I collapsed against a wall. "You need to untie my wrists." He walked over and undid the knot.

"Alright let's move!" he shouted.

We took off.


Jerry's PoV

"C'mon!" I shouted at the English boy, 4 years younger than me, who was following me. "Keep moving! We have to make it back to London!" He huffed a shaky breath and leaned against the wall of a near by building.

"I can't go much further," he panted out. I stood there, breathing heavily. I can't believe this guys trusts me after I... never mind. "You need to untie my wrists." I walked over and undid the knot on the rope that was still bound around his hands.

"Alright," I shouted, "let's move!" We began to run, but his leg was still bleeding out. "C'mon Phil! You can do this!" He stopped.

"We need to stop the blood from flowing," he told me. I ripped off my black hoodie to reveal a light blue t-shirt underneath. I tied the hoodie around his leg. He reached into his pocket and pulled out-

"Your wallet?" I asked. He nodded.

"I always have it on me," he told me. "Let's catch a bus." I nodded and we ran to the nearest bus stop. The bus was just about to pull away when he saw us run up. The doors opened and I followed Phil in. "Hi," he said. "Where is this bus headed?"

"London," the man replied. "Then-"

"Ah, that's good!" Phil said, handing him some money. We sat down as close to the front as possible. "We're coming, Dan," he muttered to himself. I gulped.


Dan's PoV

I woke up in the same exact hospital room I was in last time and groaned at the ceiling. I stopped when I felt the pain in my ribs. "Ow!" A nurse rushed in. It was Colline.

"Are you okay?" she asked. I nodded. "Okay. If you need anything, just call."

"Where's Jamie?" I asked. She frowned and walked over.

"I'm sorry," she said, "but she's in a coma." I let another salty tear escape my eye and roll down my flushed, red cheek. "I'm sorry," she said again.

"Have you found Phil?"

"Phil's missing?" I nodded.

"Three men came and took him. They also shot him in the leg. I think they were the people that ran over Jamie." She nodded. "They drove a black van." She nodded again.

"Okay, I'll tell the police." She left me alone to cry.


Phil's PoV

I used the find my iPhone app to locate Dan's phone, which was probably still in his pocket, so that I knew exactly where to go. "Did you find it yet?" Jerry asked impatiently as he stepped off the bus.

"Hang on! It's loading," I told him. He crossed his arms.

"Well, hurry." I groaned and continued to wait. Finally his location pooped up. I zoomed in on the location so that I could see. I gasped when it popped up. "What?" Jerry asked.

"He's in St. Bart's," I said. Still in shock, I began to run towards the hospital.

"What's that?" Jerry asked, picking up speed to catch up to me.

"The hospital!" I darted as fast as I could through the doors. "Dan!" I ran to the front desk. "Dan Howell?l" I asked.

"Room 235."

"Wait here!" I told Jerry. He sat down and I ran to the very familiar room and Dan looked up. Tears welled up in both our eyes.

"Oh my God!" he gasped, covering his mouth. "I thought I lost you forever!" I limped over and wrapped my arms around him.

"Don't worry," I told him. "You didn't."

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