Kieran still means something to me even though I hate him and every part of my body wants to find him and torture the absolute living shit out of him but I'm never going to be able to replace the little place in my heart I've always had for him.

"Then what can we do? If we don't do something soon, one of us is for sure going to die. It can be anyone, could even be you Vanessa." Miles points at Vanessa, proving a statement that's not true.

"Cannot believe this all started because of a girl who couldn't control herself in front of Nolan." Chase scoffs. Sounds pathetic, because it is.

"I'll fucking handle it." I get up from sitting down on the couch. Everything was decent before Kieran appeared out of nowhere for revenge. Why now? Why, when I have actually found a person I want to be with? Why, when I'm starting to become a better person?

Fuck sake, man.

I'd do anything to go back in time to take the girl off me even quicker before Kieran came.

Another issue to deal with now.

- - -

"Nolan." She speaks in a low tone.

"What the fuck.." I am baffled. Who the hell is this person? "Where's Alyssa?" I raise my voice.

"What are you talking about? I am Alyssa." She scoffs. Well fucking hell, she looks different with barely any of her hair.

"Let me guess.. Kenzie?" I grin, while imagining Kenzie doing this to her.

"Yup. Guessed it 100% right. And to get things over with quicker, can you kill me already?" She requests. That is indeed shocking. Alyssa is asking me to kill her? Wow.

"What if I don't?"

"If you're going to leave me down here, I'm going to find a way to kill myself. I can't do it any longer." A thing I've been recently trying in a way to change myself to become a better person is feeling bad for people but in this moment, it isn't working.

"Trust me, you won't be able to kill yourself down here," Looking at all the knives and other tools in the corner she can use to kill herself, I make her body strapped onto the chair much tighter. "That should make you stick to this chair even better than before."

"I'm sorry. I'm sorry for everything. I know I was obsessed, Nolan. Trust me, I know. I wish I was able to control myself better but the more times we interacted and had sex, my feelings because stronger for you which led to me falling in love with you. And that is the biggest fucking regret of my life. I wish I never met you," I yawn, nodding my head slightly. "And I don't care if you break Kenzie's heart but I hope she doesn't go through what you made me go through."

Why is Kenzie's name even still in her mouth?

"I think me and Kenzie would have been great friends if it wasn't for my jealousy but it's all over now. I can't do anything to go back in time and I know I've fucked up badly. This is my life now and it'll stay like this till I die because I know you. You're one stubborn son of a bitch and you're not planning on letting me go anytime soon. You want me to suffer." Wasn't that obvious enough? "I hate you and I hate myself for still being in love with you. I wish you would have fallen in love me the way you did for Kenzie, I see it in your eyes. But honestly, I hope you guys do great. You look better with her than you ever did with me."

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