Chapter 20: Thunderous Overture

Start from the beginning

"What Sir Giazza says has merit. However, the enemy is still dangerous." Enna says to them. "While the revolutionaries are not as well-trained and equipped as your soldiers, they easily outnumber us three to one. If the battle reaches the walls, it will only be a matter of time before they break." She adds. Diana looks towards the revolutionary army before them.

"So fighting them in the field is a viable option." Diana walks forward and leans on the edge; her armor clinking as she does so. "Our troops on the ground are situated on the artificial hills just outside the gates and it gives them an inherent advantage should the rebels try a frontal assault, which may as well be their only option."

"They will have to grind us down if they hope to break through." Klein murmurs as he walks beside Diana. "Our forces can hold for a time but with their superior numbers, they might get overwhelmed. Our options include sending reinforcements to them or call them back in and risk the rebels trying to get up with their ladders."

"Both of options are risky, but..." Diana trails off for a moment. "It is the reality of our predicament."

"Prince (Falric) and Prince Kaldan will do what they can to prevent our allies from being overwhelmed." Sir Giazza says. Diana stays silent as they notice something going on the ground.

They see a man on horseback being escorted by a small retinue of bodyguards coming from the rebels' lines, likely one of their commanders. Grandi, Lize, and (Falric) rode up with their royal guards and kalators in their full suits of armour to meet whoever this man is. Coming closer, they notice the man is wearing a ragged outfit typical with bandits - obviously an attempt at disguise. He has blonde hair, blue eyes, and an expression that shows an indifferent demeanor.

The two parties stop their steeds and dismount to meet each other in person. They walk the rest of the distance with their guards close behind them.

"Are you Éleanor?" Grandi questions the blonde man who lightly chuckles.

"Hah, no. Prince Éleanor is in the rear, but he is watching." The blonde man answers. "My name is Jules Arnault, of the Arnault Clan, loyal retainers of the House of Cheliot." He introduces himself.

Mithze who is on the battlements walked forward and gazed at the man meeting the others below. "Not you too, Jules..." He murmurs. Diana and Sir Giazza hears him.

"You know that man?" Diana questions and Mithze nods.

"He is my friend. Or rather, was my friend." Mithze frowns in dismay. "Even he was not spared..."

Back to the leaders on the ground...

"... We know that the traitor, Mithze is there, Prince Grandi. Of course we are looking for him." Jules muses while crossing his arms across his chest. "We were just about to seize him in the mountains, but I suppose Princess Lize and Prince (Falric) got to them first and warned Vice Admiral Moulin about our assassins scouring the mountain range for them."

"What did you do them?" (Falric) questions Jules about the loyalist Cheliots' fate. Jules shakes his head.

"I'm afraid that I can't say, Prince (Falric), especially not to you." Jules responds to him, refusing. (Falric) and Lize look at each other and assume the worst. They can only hope that they are wrong.

"What are you really here for? Why are you here in Helesta?" Grandi questions Jules who chuckles for a moment before gesturing behind him, to the formations of revolutionaries ready for the battle.

"That should be obvious by now." Jules remarks before shrugging. "Oh, well, I suppose even Prince Éleanor can be so vague. Naturally, Mithze is one of the things we are after." He adds and Lize glares at him.

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