I went back into the closet to grab my bag. I took one last look around me.

I guess it was fun while it lasted. Back to reality.

I closed the door and turned to see all three Slytherin's looking at me expectantly.

"What?" I asked raising an eyebrow.

"Are you going to tell me what really happened?" Pansy said smirking.

"Well... we were hid-"

"Like Draco said. Absolutely nothing happened. I better get going." I swung my bag over my shoulder and headed off in the direction of the castle. 

I could hear Draco call after me but I hurried off, not stopping. I didn't look back but I could hear Pansy lecture him as we all walked up the hill. Me about 50 yards ahead of them.

When I opened the front doors everyone's eyes seemed to turn to me. I had no idea what was going on. I began to make my way up the stairs but I could hear the whispering.

"Did you hear she spent the night with Draco Malfo?"

"Draco who isn't single."

"Poor Sophie."

"What a slut that Diggory girl is."

"She locked him up."

"Talk about desperate."

I carried on up stairs with tears in my eyes. Am I a slut? I knew he and Sophie were together. What was I playing at? How could I be so stupid?

As I jumped onto the staircase I heard a 'oomf' as I collided with someone. I almost fell back off the moving staircase when whoever it was grabbed my waist and pulled me forward.

"That was a close one."

I looked up to see a tall, brown haired boy. "Are you alright?" he asked. I immediately smiled. I knew this boy very well. 


"Hi Raelyn. It's good to see you. Where are you off to in a rush?"

"Hosp...hos..hospital wing."

"Why are you injured?"

"Em...not really. I got trapped in a broom closet for the night and Professor McGonagall wants me to get checked out."

"I heard that rumour but I didn't think it was true?" He raised his eyebrows at me with a smirk on his face.

"Oh it's not. I mean we got locked in together but that's it."

"Pity. I could see you together." He had yet to let go of my arms. Instead he pulled me into another hug. "It's good to see you Raelyn."

"It's good to see you too Theo. Why is this the first I am seeing you?"

"I only got cleared over the weekend to come back." He turned as we headed up the stairs but kept one arm around me protectively.

Just like only Theo would.

"Well that is great."

At that moment the staircase linked up with another one below and we were joined by Blaise, Pansy and Draco.

"Theo?" Pansy asked smiling.

He moved his arm so it was draped over my shoulder. "Hi guys. I take it you know my friend Raelyn?"

Draco stepped forward. "Yes we do...em.... Raelyn can we talk?"

"No. I better not be seen with you. I will make a bigger name for myself."

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