Zoandra is right. My dad probably is stuck in time. What do I do now? How do I reach her? Stupid me! I should have looked at the flash drive while I had the chance to. I was too scared to find out the truth. Well, look at me now.

I felt as if I was losing my mind at the minute. It felt as if I was almost at a dead end. I became frustrated to the point that I wanted to punch a hole in the wall.

While I paced up and down, I noticed some things reflecting under my bed. They looked like books. That's weird. I never keep books under my bed. They're always in the shelves.

I sat on the floor beside my bed to have a closer look at them. There were four books stacked on each other. On top was a black and white photo. I examined the picture closely.

Inside it were; my dad (on the left), Ace in the middle and Charles on the right.

I looked at the picture in awe. They were laughing with glasses of wine in their hands. It looked like they were at a cocktail event judging from the suits they wore and people talking in the background all dressed up.

My dad looked so young here...and happy. What could have gone wrong amongst them?

I turned the photo to see the back. There was a writing there.

Mrs Anita's summer ball.

September 19th, 1997. The same year 'the awakening' was formed

That's the same name Zoandra spoke of. I carefully dropped the photo on the floor. I have to hide all this stuff before my mom finds them. The next book on the stack was titled 'The World's Biggest Conspiracies'.

Excitement coursed through my veins as I opened it. The page of contents contained different conspiracies that my dad found out to be true.

As a spy, I have travelled round the world, heard different conversations, seen things that you couldn't even see in the movies and experienced things that none of you could ever imagine. I decided to write them all here, in this book that I will most likely never publish. The government has been hiding things and will continue to hide things.

I just glanced through the pages since I didn't have enough time to read everything.

Aliens exist. The government holds meetings with them annually. It's the main reason Marilyn Monroe was murdered. She threatened to expose John Kennedy's relationship with them.

There were photos of flying UFO's and a board meeting of strange looking creatures with other humans.

Although, they don't all look this strange. Some of them are shapeshifters and can take human form. You might have even spoken to one without knowing it!

All these pictures were taken by my father.

In the year 2019, a deadly virus called 'Covid-19' will be formed. It will cause a huge pandemic in 2021. The virus will be used to control the world's population. The economies of the world will crumble due to this virus.

Below, there was a picture of a green ball-looking virus with spikes on top.

Other versions of the world exist.

Everything that happens in the world is controlled by the New World Order. Everything you can think of, from the weather to diseases to natural disasters have been programmed.

The hologramic nature of the world is real. Reality can be altered. That's why we seem to have glitches in the matrix. They see what they want you to see. They're always watching.

The human mind can be distorted and controlled but only through drastic measures which are unethical and I disapprove of them. A good friend of mine is currently working on mind control.

"Wow" I laughed.

My dad was even cooler and smarter than I thought. No wonder everyone was against him, they were all jealous. They knew he had the potential to be something greater than they could imagine.

The other book was his diary.

I thought hard about who could have left these books for me. If Zoandra wanted me to have them, she would have given them to me a long time ago along with the drive.

Could be dad still be out there? Could he have brought these? No, he wouldn't have dropped this off without seeing me. Or was he in hiding?

I'm going to get to the bottom of this with the help of my friends.

I hugged the books tightly to my chest.

"Don't worry, dad" I whispered "I'm coming for you"

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