the final fight had started

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2 weeks had past

Takemichi's pov

The last meeting before the fight was about to start

Y/n was sitting in a corner alone, and she seemed... nervous

Probably not about the fight but about facing mikey after 2 years

I walked up to her and sat beside her, she didn't say anything

"Everything is gonna be alright, I'm sure mikey will give you a chance to explain" I said

"I..all I want actually is to help him become the mikey that he was before and for him to be with you guys " she replied

"But what about you?don't you you know get back with Mikey?" I asked

She sighed "I don't think I will come back to his life again I just want him to live happy without me, honestly I think mikey didn't have any problems before I entered his life"

"After the fight I will disband bratva and head back to new York... but ofc I will keep in touch with you guys" y/n told me

I was shocked, wanted to say no but its her choice not mine "I hope you have a happy life after that y/n"i teared up

Y/n smiled at me "you too takemitchy"

The meeting ended after an hour and now its time to head to the place
The yakuza gang was already there and a few minutes later y/n and her gang arrived

(Reminder: y/n is the only one that wear a mask to not show her face)


"Look who had finally arrived, none other this mysterious person who I'm gonna end today" shoya welcomed me in his own way

I didn't reply and just stood still, I wanted to wait till kanto manji gang  arrive

"You see I'm not that patient so why don't we start the fight"shoya added

"Wait" that was all I said

Shoya looked at me like someone had just said a joke to him "I wasn't asking you, you'll have to fight anyways to protect yourself"

"Tch.. that idiot" I thought

  Suddenly some yakuza members started running their way to us, so my members started running towards them to

I watched as most of his members were down

I mean I wouldn't be surprised since draken izana mitsuya and many other strong ones are on my side

Shoya ran towards me preparing his fist but draken blocked him

"So wanna fight again" draken smirked at him

"Your not my target, but sure if you wanna get punched" shoya replied  as they started fighting

Izana stood infront kakucho and it seem they're about to fight but then kakucho said something that I didn't hear and he seemed to be apologising to izana

I'm sure takemichi had something to do with that, since he met with kakucho a few days ago

And now here I am waiting for mikey

Suddenly shoya barged at me again

"Wait wasn't he fight draken!" I thought as I looked to see where draken was

He was surrounded by a multiple yakuza members, so that's how shoya got away with him

As I was thinking I felt a punch right on my face

"Ouch" I mumbled in a low voice

"You brat, I'm gonna kill you"i barged at him

And we started fighting, and let me tell you shoya isn't weak he is hella strong so fighting him will be kinda hard

Few minutes later he was knocked to the ground by me

"What is your problem with us?" He asked me while he was laying on the ground

I didn't reply and I was about to throw another punch at him when suddenly I heard motorcycles voice

I looked at the sound direction and as I thought mikey and his gang had arrived

Honestly I was gonna faint looking at mikeys eyes, but no I had to come back to reality and finish this

As I was about to punch shoya again I felt 2 people holding me

They were the haitani brothers

They pulled me off of shoya and each one of them held each hand of mine

Takemichi's pov

"Mikey-kun arrived " I said to chifuyu pointing to where mikey is

"He seems kinda pissed though"chifuyu whispered to me

"Maybe because they didn't wait for him to start the fight even tho he was the one who had the idea of this fight" I replied

Then I looked at where y/n is


We were about to rush to her but we're block by multiple members from shoya and mikey's gang

Kanto manji gang had joined the fight and all the 3 gangs started fighting each other

"I hope this end well"i thought

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