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I came to my room and fell on my bed. I got a call from Bunny.

Jungkook: Hey Nithya, What happens? Is everything okay?

Nithya: Yeah, All okay.

Jungkook: But why did you leave?

Nithya: Sorry bunny for that, Can you please inform Jin that I reach to room.

Jungkook: Yeah sure, Take care.

Flashback in BTS house:

I was shocked by looking at my phone.

Jungkook: What happen?

Nithya: Nothing, is it your number.

Jungkook: No, I called you from jin's phone. I kept my phone for charge.

Nithya: Okay bunny, I got to go.

Jungkook: Hey Nithya, I will drop you.

Nithya: No thanks.

Flashback ends:

I called Alice.

Nithya: Hey Alice.

Alice: Hey babe, What's up?

Nithya: I had something to discuss with you. Shall we meet?

Alice: Yeah sure, Let's meet in a cafe.

Nithya: I will be waiting for you. Call me once you reach the cafe.

Alice: Okay.

Time passes:

Alice and I met in a cafe. we order coffee.

Alice: What do you want to discuss?

Nithya: It's about Jin.

Alice: Jin Oppa?

Nithya: Last night I went to dinner with Jin. On the way, the car got car breakdown. So, I stayed with jin and Jungkook last night. I couldn't find my phone today morning. So,Jungkook called me from Jin's phone.

Alice: Did you find your phone?

Nithya: I got my phone, but I was shocked when I saw that number. let me show you that number.

Alice: What? Why did you get shocked by the phone number? show me.

I showed the phone number to Alice, she dialed that number.

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