Start from the beginning

You quickly reassured yourself while standing leisurely from your seat and formed an awkward grin as you made eye contact with every student in your class, while also giving a little wave.

Making some of the students let out a chuckle at how awkward you looked, others were just whispering to their friends while their gaze was focused on you — and the last group were simply uninterested, probably wishing to go home at this moment. Especially that ash-blonde dude with glasses who continued writing on his notes as if they were more important than students introducing themselves — or probably because he was already familiar with half of the students here, even though they only treat each other as strangers rather than familiar acquaintances.

"Of course Mr. Trein! U-Um, Hi — As you may know, my name is [Name] [Last name]! A sophomore from the Philippines. My hobbies are, err, My hobby is knitting. a pleasure to be your acquaintances again.." You let out an awkward giggle as you introduced yourself before mumbling the last part. Still nervous from the looks you were receiving, your dominant hand unknowingly made its way to your nape while looking down at your desk as if they were more intriguing than the stares focusing at your figure.

After introducing yourself to the whole class, you quickly drew your seat forward and sat down, still feeling a little shuddered after seeing your classmates' gaze locked on you whilst introducing yourself.

Normally, a lot of people wouldn't feel awkward with their old classmates, especially if they were just going to be your classmates again. However, it seems that you still couldn't help but feel awkward when introducing yourself to some of your old classmates. Perhaps, it was the differences between your personalities? Different preferences? Or it was probably just you, but you may never know.

Some students simply looked up from what they were doing and acknowledged you by sending you a polite nod before going back to what they were doing. Well, at least they knew when to be polite at times. While others were the complete opposite, they simply rolled their eyes or scoffed at how you introduced yourself — though you couldn't blame them, you would've felt the second-hand embarrassment for yourself at how awkward and stiff you sounded.

Whilst the third group just sent you a smile (or rather creepy smirks, since those twins wouldn't stop looking at you as if they found a new victim to take advantage of) as their silent way of reassuring you that there was no need to be embarrassed, which worked quite well — making your shoulders relaxed a bit. Yet you couldn't help but feel the sudden urge to curse those two that wouldn't just stop with their fucking smirks.

As soon as you finished introducing yourself and already sat down at your seat, your homeroom teacher grabbed a board marker from the side of the board and began writing information down regarding the recapped topic from the textbook that was the same book as on top of your table right now. His writing was too fast for you to get your notes out, so you quickly took out your notebook and began scribbling down all the information as your anxiety continued to press you to write faster.

Your brows clashed worriedly as you hurriedly scribbled down all the information while looking up and down.

"Hey Jade, don't 'cha think that little shrimp over there looks soo fun to mess with?" Someone laughed in amusement from what seemed like a distance in front of you, despite his loud voice being heard by half of the whole section's population — Mr. Trein did nothing but looked at the said student with a glare before sighing and continued on scribbling information on the white board. A silence then took over for a bit after the male's words, as if waiting for 'Jade' to respond.

Oh, so the twins were your classmates again for the whole year huh? Well, you could guess that they were probably plotting to entertain themselves with some students here, not a big deal.

# 𝐋𝐎𝐕𝐀𝐁𝐋𝐄 𝐈𝐃𝐈𝐎𝐓  ꒷꒦  [𝗧𝗪𝗦𝗧 𝗫 𝗚𝗘𝗡𝗦𝗛𝗜𝗡 𝗜𝗠𝗣𝗔𝗖𝗧]Where stories live. Discover now