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I woke up from my mom turning my light on and telling me to get up, I got up, took a shower, brushed my hair and teeth, ate, and put my shoes on and everything else I needed to do.

Once we got to the airport it was 4:30am so it was still dark outside my brother is coming with us this time around bc I wanted him to.

Him: how does it feel to be famous?

Me: mhm there are good and bad parts about it but I enjoy my fans and my cow-stars

Him: I'm here for you always

I shook my head and smiled I slept most of the time waiting for our plane bc I didn't get much sleep last night for whatever reason

Once they called our plane I got on and slept some more.

We landed and headed to our hotel where everyone else was also staying. Until the busses came and got us to go to the Airbnb

I put my bags down and texted javon


I'm here, r u?

Yeah room 134


I walked over to his room and knocked on the door and he opened the door and walked out.

Javon: hey wanna sit next to each other on the bus?

Me: yeah 100%

Javon: I'm so glad to be back with everyone

Me: same I was so bored when I was at home

Javon: L

Me: haha so funny

He just laughed we then clicked the button for the elevator

Javon: wait who is ur first interview with?

Me: angus, you?

Javon: Chloe (faye)

Me: oh that'll be fun.

I said clicking the button for the first floor

Javon: yeah- bro in my fyp I see non stop edits of u

Me: really?

I said laughing

Me: I see non stop edits of you on my fyp

He just laughed as the elevator door opened

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