Chapter 13

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Joseph: guys where Aesop?

Naib: aren't he supposed be with you

Joseph:yes but when I go to the garden he wasn't there

Eli:wait really?

Joseph:yes. That's why I came here to ask you if you seen him.

Eli:sorry we didn't. Don't worry we help you looking for him


Eli told the other Survivor that Aesop went missing. The others were quickly go on the search since Aesop still not in a good shape yet. Joseph also told his friends about Aesop. 2 hours later, they didn't find him. "Where could he be. Now I'm so worried. What if he injure!!" Panic Emily. Vera and Emma calm her down. Joseph think for a second. He look at his fellow friends. He notice that Wujiu and Bi'an aren't with them. He think that Aesop must be with them. "Jack do you remember where Bi'an put his umbrella?' he ask. " Well the last place he put it was near the garden door. Why do you ask?" Said Jack in curiousity. Joseph quickly went to find the umbrella. He saw it and pick it up. He notice that the umbrella was heavy than usual.

Joseph:Wujiu!! Bi'an!! Did you kidnapped Aesop hah?!!!

Wujiu: *came out of the umbrella* mind you don't shout. He's sleeping and Bi'an is trying curing him

Joseph: everyone was looking for him! Grrrr

Wujiu: just shut up! *pull him into the umbrella*

Joseph open his eyes. He was sitting next to Wujiu. Aesop was sleeping beside Bi'an. "Hey Jospeh looking for you boyfriend" say Bi'an with a smirk. Joseph growl. Wujiu then hug Joseph and bit his neck. Joseph scream in pain and he passed out. Hours later, Jospeh wake up from his sleep. He look aside and saw Aesop. Aesop was sound asleep. He get up from the bed. He stretch his body walk towards the mirror. He was shock seeing a lot of bitting marks all over his body. Joseph blush and he was angry that the twins did this to him.

??: *Put his hands on his shoulder* you like our gift~

Joseph: *kick his stomach* are you crazy Bi'an?!! What the fuck you give me like this?!

Bi'an: well because you are cute and we love you. Also that beside you isn't Aesop. Its Wujiu. Aesop already out of here

Joseph: grrr...let me out of here!!

Wujiu: not yet. We haven't finish our present

Joseph: what do you mean?!

B,W: *smirk*

Joseph: wait..please I don't want to!!

Wujiu: sorry but we want it~

Outside of the umbrella...

Eli: thank god they help you heal

Aesop: yes. By the way... where's Naib

Norton: well Jack call him. I don't know where he went but I guess Jack gonna try cknfess to him

Aesop: yeah. I hope that Naib accept him

Eli: let's go spy him

Aesop: okay~

The trio went to find Naib. As they walk to the garden. They heard Naib yelling. " I would never fell in love with you!!! You think with your attitude right now can win me?! Never!!! I won't accept you!!!" Yell Naib and walk out of the garden. Jack sign and then he smirk. " You know what Naib. I think you have spoil my mood. Now let me make you completely mine~" Jack smirk and walk out of there. Aesop, Eli and Norton went to find Naib. Naib was in his room laying on the bed. Aesop slowly walk in.

Aesop: Naib?

Naib: Aesop? Hey sweetheart. Come here

Aesop: *walk to him* you okay? We accidentally heard you yelling at Jack.

Naib: it was nothing.. *hug his waist and put his head on Aesop's belly* Thank goodness you okay now. Thanks to those two


Naib: mind I stay like this for awhile

Aesop:yeah sure.

Emily: you guys...

Eli: Emily? What happen?

Emily: We have an emergency meet...Aesop... Joseph needs you...

Aesop: *shock* what happen

Emily: you will know it later. Let's go

To be continued....

My boyfriend is a serial killerTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon