Chapter 1

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Author P.O.V

Yeonjun- Boss

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Yeonjun- Boss...They are gonna be here soon...

???- Hmmm....Be ready...

They all loaded there guns being ready Suddenly there boss groaned

???- Fck...!

Soobin- What happened boss...?

???- Someone freaking shot me...Look around...They are here hiding somewhere...!

Suddenly lots of gunshot noices started coming

Taehyun- Shoot...They are lot...!

One of there man touched his earpiece and said

Beomgyu- Send backup quickly...! Yeonjun you handle here I'll take boss to the hospital...!

Yeonjun- Ok..

???- I'm fine...I'm not going anywhere...

Yeonjun- Boss you are really injured...

???- I said I'm not going anywhe--ahh...!

Suddenly another bullet hit him on his back

Yeonjun- Boss...!! Beomgyu...I'll take him to the hospital...You stay here...

Beomgyu- Ok...

Yeonjun wrapped his boss's hand around his neck and dragged him up and took him out carefully

Y/n P.O.V

I put the injection away and smiled

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I put the injection away and smiled

Y/n- Good job Ara you take the shot without crying your gonna heal so fast now...!!

Ara- Really I can go to school again...??

I nodded

Ara- Mommy I'm gonna go to school again yayyy..!!!!

Ara's Mom- Yes you can....and all thanks to Doctor y/n say thank you to her ara

Ara- Thank you so much...

Y/n- No need its my job btw I have to go check other patients now...I'll came tomorrow to check u again ok...?

She nodded and waved at me I smiled and waved back at her and went out to see my other patients

Jungkook ff Mafia's crazy obsession {Completed}Where stories live. Discover now