The Hat

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I was in my endless thoughts, thinking about what was going on and what I was doing when I heard the loud ear bleeding screech of a foul beast.
I turned my head to see the city lights flicker and sparks fly into the dark sky. I groaned and turned around, picking my nails as I walked back into the centre of this disgusting town.
I saw the familiar head of blonde hair make its way into Mr. Gold's Pawnshop.
I made my way to the door of the store slowly and opened the door with little effort.
I walked into the store and all eyes layed on me.
I looked at their white Charming eye balls and walked over to them.
"Why the bloody hell is there a Wraith flying around Storybrooke? And more importantly why are you all sitting on your sparkly asses and not doing anything?"
Emma laughed at my comment and the Charming's just stared, along with Gold.
Then Gold took a steady step forward and looked over me carefully.
"When did this happen?" He gestured at my skin
"Couple hours ago. After the curse broke and the magic came."
Gold nodded.
I decided to change the subject and get a real answer out of these fools.
"So what do you cheery people have planned? How are you going to get rid of that ugly thing?"
Gold spoke first.
"Not my problem dearie. Now if you'll excuse me.."
He walked into the back of the shop and I could see Emma looking frustrated as always.
We started to make our way out the door and into the streets.
"Lets head to the Sheriff's Station and see what Regina knows" Emma determined.
I nodded in agreement and we walked over to the Station and walked into the building to see an anxious looking Regina.
"Whats wrong Regina?" Snow said to the stressed looking woman.
"The Wraith is after me, that's whats wrong." Snow crunched her eyebrows up in confusion and Regina huffed "Rumple marked me. That ugly thing out there is going to kill me, and there's no way to stop it."
Emma's eyes lit up with a spark and she stepped forward.
"What if we can send it somewhere else! Somewhere that it cant get you." Regina smiled.
"Nice work Swan."
The station then shook and the familiar scream of a beast came crashing through the walls.
The lights flickered.
I clenched my fists and moved in front of Regina's cell.
The shadow of the beast crept its way across the floor and towards my cold eyes. It got closer and closer until Snow White stepped up and lit a lighter and sprayed a bottle of hairspray in front of the flame, creating a gigantic light and heat wave.
This scared the monster and with a blink of my dark eyes it was gone.
I turned around and pulled the door so hard it opened.
Regina looked at me and smiled. "Thanks Alex."
I nodded and we all walked out the station.
"We need to get the hat" Regina said in confidence.
We listened to Regina's instructions and decided to meet back at the mayors office when we were done.
Oh how did I get dragged into more drama.
I started to make my way to the mayors place slowly.
I want to savour the quiet while it lasts. I reached the locked door and flicked my wrist, unlocking the door and taking it off its hinges.
I smiled and walked through the walkway, into the council hall.
I was met with Regina and Emma. "What took you so long?"
"I took a detour."
Regina rolled her eyes and walked over to the cleared space they made.
My combats clicked off the ground as I made my way over to the two woman. They set the hat down onto the ground as The Charmings walked in.
"We need to get this portal opened befo-" Emma was cut off by the loud screech and howls of the Wraith coming closer.
I walked around the two woman to the open door way and waited for the beast to come.
"Alex what are you doing! You could get hurt." Emma spoke with confusion and I just laughed
"I'll be fine."
The Wraith rose up from the door way to the ceiling and I twisted my hand low by my side and the monster hissed and backed up a bit.
It stayed like this for a while and I turned around and walked behind the railings.
The Charmings did whatever they were doing and Regina was caught up in trying to get the hat to work.
I stopped in front of the hat and sighed. "Stand back."
I raised my hand and the hat started to spin. Emma looked at me in shocked and Regina just smiled.
The portal began to open and I let my hand down.
I was about to step back when a large gust of wind from the beast above sent me tumbling forward and into the galaxy looking portal.
I looked above me to see Emma screaming for me and Regina being thrown into a wall by the beast.
My eyes started to get fuzzy and weird from the magic portal and I no longer could see the people above.
I was falling deeper into a portal that had an unknown destination.
Here we go again with the stupid portals.
Darn you magic.

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