Chapter 4

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We drove through the streets of Gotham in the Joker's metal plated van. Our mission was simple. Rob the Gotham Central Bank. I had a history with the Joker. Not a good one in fact. You ever have that one story or experiance that you wish had never happened? Yeah that was my history with the Joker. He didn't want to remember either. All in all it worked out. He raised me to be the villian I am today.... only I'm better. Just some opinions from random villians or little whispers of the dead in the hallways of Arkham. We got to the bank and I got out of the van. "You my sweet, will be stealing the moolah with me. You other imbiciles...... are keeping watch." The Joker said with a smirk. "Yes Mistah J." I say. Of course he would want me with him. He could never take his hands off me the last time..... He takes me in the bank and shoots the security men and storms to the valt. I open the bags and he stuffs the money in. Batsie would be here any minuet so we had to work fast. After we had five bags full of hundreds we ran from the bank. He slammed the van doors once we were inside and we drove off. This was way to simple... What is he planning?


Sorry it's so short. I've been very busy lately and I forget about this story. ALLONS-Y!

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